View Full Version : please Help me....

12-07-2009, 01:36 PM
Please...someone very very nice,with a Donator Account can give only for 2 or 3 week his account? Beacuse im very desperate,i cant donate because im minor and my parent dont want give me the money to become a Donator....and i want the currency and other things!!Please.... =o=

12-07-2009, 01:57 PM
I don't think that that is allowed. For one, that would be unfair to Brandon, and for two, that would be unfair to everyone else.
So no.
I'm a minor too - I managed it. ;) Earn some money, give it to your parents in exchange for the same amount of money from their credit card. ;)

12-07-2009, 02:03 PM
But how many money need to become a donator?

12-07-2009, 02:30 PM
I don't remember, it says it on the page. :)