View Full Version : Curses... Unique naming

03-27-2012, 01:52 AM
When a user names their pet and the name is already taken, how can I show that? I have it set where names are unique.

// We are renaming an adoptable

// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

$stmt = $adopts->query("SELECT * FROM {$prefix}owned_adoptables WHERE owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'");
$row = $stmt->fetchObject();

if($row->aid == $id)
$image = getcurrentimage($id);

if($more == "")

$article_title = "Rename {$row->name}";
$article_content = "<img src='{$image}'><br />{$lang_rename}{$row->name}{$lang_rename2}<br />
<form name='form1' method='get' action='myadopts.php'>
<p>Adoptable Name:
<input name='more' type='text' id='more'>
<input name='id' type='hidden' id='id' value='{$id}'>
<input name='act' type='hidden' id='act' value='rename'>
<input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Rename Adoptable'>

// We are renaming the adoptable

Hall of Famer
03-27-2012, 02:53 AM
Well it isnt really difficult, just find this part in your script:

// We are renaming the adoptable

// The adoptable exists, so now we can rename it...
$adopts->query("UPDATE {$prefix}owned_adoptables SET name='{$more}' WHERE aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");

$article_title = $lang_rename_success_title;
$article_content = "<img src='{$image}'><br />{$lang_rename_success}{$more}.
You can now manage {$more} on the <a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id={$id}'>My Adopts</a> page";
And replace with:

$stmt = $adopts->query("SELECT * FROM {$prefix}owned_adoptables WHERE name='{$more}' and aid='{$id}'");
$row = $stmt->fetchObject();
// The name has not yet been used, we are good to go!
$adopts->query("UPDATE {$prefix}owned_adoptables SET name='{$more}' WHERE aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");

$article_title = $lang_rename_success_title;
$article_content = "<img src='{$image}'><br />{$lang_rename_success}{$more}.
You can now manage {$more} on the <a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id={$id}'>My Adopts</a> page";
// The name is being used by someone else, so display an error message...
$article_title = "An error has occurred";
$article_content = "It appears that the name {$more} is taken already.";

03-27-2012, 03:13 AM
Assuming you have a unique index on the name field, this can be achieved without any additional query.

$stmt = $adopts->query('...');
if ( ! $stmt)
// failed, the name is already in use
// successfully renamed
I think this would be a much better solution, because not only that you keep the MySQL from choking, but you also keep your code succinct.

Hall of Famer
03-27-2012, 03:16 AM
Good idea Fadillzzz, $stmt should return false if the query fails. This should significantly reduce the memory consumption for cases that the script merely checks if a row exists. Also it is better just to select the field name from the database instead of using '*', I just showed her an example of how to do this kind of trick though.

03-27-2012, 04:09 PM
Hof yours didn't work :/

03-27-2012, 04:47 PM
Pardon me for being ignorant... where do I put this and what do I put in the ('...')

Assuming you have a unique index on the name field, this can be achieved without any additional query.

$stmt = $adopts->query('...');
if ( ! $stmt)
// failed, the name is already in use
// successfully renamed
I think this would be a much better solution, because not only that you keep the MySQL from choking, but you also keep your code succinct.

Hall of Famer
03-27-2012, 04:48 PM
Oh my I must suffered from a lack of sleep then, lol. Remove this part from the very first line and it should work:

and aid='{$id}'

03-27-2012, 06:01 PM
What would I do without you Hof?

Hall of Famer
03-27-2012, 06:04 PM
lol you flattered me. And I apologize for giving you the wrong codes in the first place. XD