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Missy Master 06-29-2014 10:26 AM

using 1.3.4 ! And it should, but yes using the latest :)

I will see if your levelup works okay on my live site ... and if it does that parts a go!

Hwona 06-29-2014 10:54 AM

^In that case, that MIGHT be the problem since this was made to work with v.1.3.3.

Hwona 06-29-2014 11:37 AM

^Nevermind! It was probably a mistake on my part- I caught a lot of miswording and issues. But, the first post works right? COuld you check your database for me?

Hwona 06-29-2014 11:51 AM

Great! I have the level up page ready for download. :3

Missy Master 06-29-2014 12:12 PM

Okay altering adopt and breeding both in the first section cause the dreaded white! page ... I did everything very slowly and carefully and then backtracked. As soon as I inserted '$statname = rand(minimum value,maximum value);' I lost adopt and breeding both!

Even with the table inserted correctly something isn't jibing for the code changes for the first random stats stuff.

Hwona 06-29-2014 12:32 PM

^Does it work for shop? Let me try and work this with my own files...

Hwona 06-29-2014 12:44 PM

Umm, would you mind showing me your files... there may be another way to do this... anyways, how does the database look?

Missy Master 06-29-2014 12:52 PM

2 Attachment(s)
here's my two files, if you can get this all worked out that will be wonderful ! :)

The Database is fine, it just has the added table --

15 statname int(4) No 0 Change Change Drop Drop

Hwona 06-29-2014 01:01 PM

^I don't know why, but your file popped up with no changes? Try this for adopt.php:
PHP Code:


use Resource\Native\Integer;

AdoptController extends AppController{

    public function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$mysidia->usergroup->getpermission("canadopt") != "yes"){
            throw new 
    public function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");        
$this->access "member";
$id $mysidia->input->post("id");
$mysidia->session->fetch("adopt") != or !$id) throw new InvalidIDException("global_id");            
$adopt = new Adoptable($id);                
$conditions $adopt->getConditions();
$conditions->checkConditions()) throw new NoPermissionException("condition");
$name = (!$mysidia->input->post("name"))?$adopt->getType():$mysidia->input->post("name");
$alts $adopt->getAltStatus();
$code $adopt->getCode();
$gender $adopt->getGender();
$statname rand(0,100);
$mysidia->db->insert("owned_adoptables", array("aid" => NULL"type" => $adopt->getType(), "name" => $name"owner" => $mysidia->user->username"statname" => $statname"currentlevel" => 0"totalclicks" => 0"code" => $code
"imageurl" => NULL"usealternates" => $alts"tradestatus" => 'notfortrade'"isfrozen" => 'no'"gender" => $gender"offsprings" => 0"lastbred" => 0));
$aid $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("aid"), "code='{$code}' and owner='{$mysidia->user->username}'")->fetchColumn();
$this->setField("aid", new Integer($aid));
$this->setField("name", new String($name));            
$this->setField("eggImage", new String($adopt->getEggImage()));
$ids $mysidia->db->select("adoptables", array("id"), "shop='none'")->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
$total = ($ids)?count($ids):0;
$total == 0$adopts = new Null;
$adopts = new Arrays($total);
$available 0;
$ids as $id){
$adopt = new Adoptable($id);
$conditions $adopt->getConditions();    
$conditions->checkConditions()) $adopts[$available++] = $adopt;    
$available == 0$adopts = new Null;
$adopts instanceof Null) throw new InvalidActionException("adopt_none");

Missy Master 06-29-2014 01:20 PM

I wanted to mention that the new levelup code is giving me a white page :(

the adopt code IS working, though!

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