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Fireballchad 09-14-2009 08:43 PM

Whos your host?
I am just wanting to expand my view of decent hosting companies. I would rather hear what you guys use instead of going to a site that rates companies. I was just wanting to know like if you feel what your paying is worth what your getting. I currently use godaddy hosting and domain services. I feel for the price they are great. I found that they do not support some addon's that some site scripts require and they will not install them. So customer service is lacking in that end, but their customer service for billing and such is very great. For example I had two separate hosting accounts on my account I emailed them if it was possible to combine them since they where the same hosting account level. So basically extending my time. It went off with out a hitch. They where pretty quick about it since I had to delete the account and email them that it was done. With in a day they transfered remaining time to the other account. So godaddy gets a 4 out of 5. But if you want a fancy website and good support for addon's and such don't use them.

Shimurai 09-18-2009 10:38 PM

RE: Whos your host?
I have a dedicated server on Softlayer. They are simply the best 10/10

kab012345 09-19-2009 07:38 PM

RE: Whos your host?
Currently, WEBKEEPERS for my VPS, but I'll be migrating this month to another host.

Arianna 09-25-2009 01:23 PM

RE: Whos your host?
I use WebzPro. It seems pretty good so far :)

FidiBus 09-27-2009 05:24 AM

RE: Whos your host?
this question can never be answered by: i use xxx they are ok.

1) if you start to looking for a host it will take about 1 to 3 month to find the right one
2) where do you live?
3) what connections use your internetprovider
4) from where will your site visitors come mostly
5) where is your hoster located
6) what infrastructure has the hoster (connections to the internet)
7) do the hoster have a forum (read it read it read it)
8) don´t look only at the price (you get what you pay for(mostly))
9) big hosting companys are not allways that good (it can be a nightmare)
10) try allways to registrate your domain(s) with a external providers where you have full control(makes life more easy) and eaven they have to be watched because it is importand how theire dns-servers work.
11) may look out for small or middle local hosting-providers in your area
12) never think on a unmanaged vps or root server if you have no clue how to secure such toy. in worst case it can cost you a lot of money because you and only you are responseable for this.

these are just a few points to think on but eaven then you will make misstakes and have to learn from them.
all hosting providers just cooking with water as everyone. they just work with computers but the point is how smart theire admins are when it comes to problems. it is no problem to setup a server with c-panel it can be done in less then 30min. and wooosh the money is roling in. no it is not that easy you need a very smart and flexible admin to serve a server.
eaven if your friend may is fully satesfied with a hoster it is not for sure you will be. all depends on on wich server your site will be exists and of corse of your neighbors on the same server.

and a last point is:
be aware of what you install on your webspace. many scripts out there are really dangerous when it comes to security. these days there are excisting many good coders but most of them have no clue about security or think on server-recources.

and after reading all this you are now really confused
but that´s how life is.

SieghartZeke 10-06-2009 09:57 AM

RE: Whos your host?
000host is the best!

Tequila 10-12-2009 06:32 PM

RE: Whos your host?
I'm on HostGator (mainly because the better host I use doesn't allow readfile() and other scripts [if interested it's Surnaturelle, 51$/yr for the best hosting package they have] :/ ) price isn't bad for what I'm getting, and my site members donate to help out. :)

I didn't like 000Webhost mainly because as the site got popular I had to expand my server space. :\

Still, best thing to do is shop around. :)

exdiogene 10-13-2009 01:56 AM

RE: Whos your host?
Ive sdtuck with 000webhost for a while, especially when i needed their free hosting plan. Although their restrictions on what you can/can't host on a free plan is rather long :)

rusejery 12-23-2009 03:31 AM

RE: Whos your host?
My Friends are my Host ..
Where did >

momo26 12-26-2009 05:54 AM

RE: Whos your host?
i think that 000webhost is good

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