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Hall of Famer 01-15-2011 12:18 PM

The daily chit chat thread!
Well guess you all know what this thread means? Discuss daily life here and tell us what happens to you lately. ^^

Hall of Famer

PTGigi 01-15-2011 05:17 PM

A thread about nearly anything :O *GASP*

Anyone know of Fringe? The TV show? 'm on a Fringe marathon right now >:3 Just got the second season on DVD so for this weekend I'll be watching Fringe non-stop X3 Sadly I'm a bit 'sick' (recovering from an asthma attack, I can breathe almost normally but I'm still coughing a lot D: ) So I'm on the couch and in my pajamas X3 That does give me a bit more time to work on my website and my flash game though :D

So what are other peeps doing? :3

Hall of Famer 01-15-2011 05:34 PM

Well yeah, we have it on my pokemon forum, and it has 9000+ replies now. XD I wonder why RA and MA dont have this though.

Fringe? Sounds interesting. Havent been watching TV since the beginning of this week, you just brought up a very good idea to me.

PTGigi 01-15-2011 05:43 PM

MA had one but it died D: (actually I think two were made but both died D: )

It's a very good show but people don't seem to like it because it's on Fox O.o (not that I like Fox I just like Fringe :3) It's about Fringe Science, it's very good :D I never watch TV but I always watch Fringe no matter what X3

Hall of Famer 01-16-2011 07:37 AM

Oh thats too bad, not sure why this happens. The one on my pokemon never had such problem lol.

lol wonder why people dont like it because of its on Fox. XD Yeah, fringe science sounds pretty neat. XD

Tequila 01-16-2011 08:33 AM

No one like Fox because they were the "downfall" of Firefly... :3 Now that was one of Whedon's better series...

Hall of Famer 01-16-2011 08:34 AM

I see, sucks to be fox. XD

And Enddayne you will be hosting Roconza's adoptable site?

Tequila 01-16-2011 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Hall of Famer (Post 12230)
I see, sucks to be fox. XD

And Enddayne you will be hosting Roconza's adoptable site?

Yep. :) It'll be no problem.

Hall of Famer 01-16-2011 09:04 AM

I see, have fun being a site host. XD I actually host a few fansites of my members(from my pokemon forum), it is so far nice experience.

PTGigi 01-16-2011 07:36 PM

That's cool :D Lol yeah people hate Fox XD I do too but I like Fringe :3 I'm like that with a lot of stuff, like I'll hate a musical artist but like a few of their songs XD

DragonTamerChris 01-16-2011 08:32 PM

Lol I don't really watch TV that much. Though I sometimes watch fox news and a few other shows.

Tequila 01-16-2011 08:46 PM

So the net's been acting up recently so I started to work on my writing some more... Cue loading of my rather interesting WinAmp mix.

:BIGO: Why oh why do I have some of these songs... *promptly starts to sing along to Teenagers by My Chemical Romance*

PTGigi 01-16-2011 08:52 PM

Yay for random music! That's all my music X3 Soundtrack is probably the genre on my Mp3 with the most music X3 Having all the Halo music is at least 100 songs, not to mention Gear of War 2, couple CoD soundtracks, few Pokemon, Tron (Epic stuff), Spirit, etc. Lots of soundtracks, I even got Still Alive from Portal :3 All my other stuff is random too, I have tons of different genres and languages too X3

Tequila 01-16-2011 09:18 PM

I have the new Tron OST as well... And some stuff from Macross 7 and Macross Frontier. Eclectic doesn't even cover what I like. :meow:

Hall of Famer 01-16-2011 09:31 PM

Well gigi you listen to video game sound tracks? I do at times, mostly FF and tales series musics. Pokemon's are fine too, but not that frequent.

This may be a little bit offtopic, but the user I hate most on pokemon forums was also called Fox(or Fox Hound, he uses both usernames). XD

Kaeliah 01-16-2011 09:32 PM

I like the one song in Halo by Breaking Benjamin, I think it's "I will not bow" but I'm not sure. :meow:

PTGigi 01-16-2011 11:07 PM

Blow Me Away? I love that one :3 I also like (that I can remember, most Halo track have strange names X3) are Covenant Dance, LvUrFr3Dz (sp fail probably X3), True Arbiter, and Beholden :3

@HoF-I'd estimate out of my 1,161 songs 200-300 are Soundtrack :3 I collect these things XD And most are video games. Second most genre is probably Pop O.o Plus I got about 5-7 different languages, even one language which isn't actually a language, it's pretty cool :3 *thinks* (English, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, one Not-Language, Swedish, and I think I'm missing one)

Kaeliah 01-16-2011 11:49 PM

Oh yeah... that one. *shot* Yes I know I totally stole that from you Gigi, but I luffs it so :happyc:

and I have... 4,210 songs... hehe... :ooo:

Hall of Famer 01-17-2011 12:34 AM

You gals are such huge music lovers!

Classes begin officially for me tomorrow, and Monday is gonna be extraordinarily long and exhausting. Hope I will survive.

PTGigi 01-17-2011 10:26 AM

I love music! @Kaeliah-Well I have this CD list with about 40+ CDs I need to buy XD So I'll catch up >:3

My school doesn't resume until Tuesday because we have today (Monday) off. I hope you survive too D:

DragonTamerChris 01-17-2011 11:23 AM

I have off too. :p

I don't really listen to music much. XD though I listen to never gonna give you up and rickroll myself a lot.

Hall of Famer 01-17-2011 11:30 AM

Well actually one of the classes were just like 5 mins because it was recitation, while we've barely learned anything from the lecture yet. It wont be as easy next week though, the real challenge begins then.

PTGigi 01-18-2011 11:24 AM

:veeee: SNOW DAY!!! *dances* Aw crap I have an art project due on the 21st that I haven't started :BIGO: Darn you snow day!!! :madO:

Kaeliah 01-18-2011 12:14 PM

-.- Snow Day???? I'm in a cyber school so I don't GET Snowdays!!! :angrygrin: I really coulda used the extra sleep too...

Bloodrun 01-18-2011 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Kaeliah (Post 12626)
-.- Snow Day???? I'm in a cyber school so I don't GET Snowdays!!! :angrygrin: I really coulda used the extra sleep too...

I know where your coming from lol >.<

PTGigi 01-18-2011 12:34 PM

Sleep is nice but I've missed a week of school already due to being sick. :displeased: And now with Monday and Tuesday off I'm just missing more school which is surprisingly really bothersome :madnoes:

Kaeliah 01-18-2011 12:49 PM


I know where your coming from lol >.<
Are you in a cyber school?

@Gigi - I have school every stinkin day whether I'm sick, or sleepy, or it's snowy. No breaks for moi. Then again I do still take breaks that my parents are not aware of... Which is probably why I'm behind and must catch up by Friday... :ohnoes:

Hall of Famer 01-18-2011 12:53 PM

Wow thats too bad for you Kaeliah, cant take a break even when you were sick?

And lol it is a horrible snowy day in PA, trust me it is.

PTGigi 01-18-2011 01:15 PM

They should at least let you have breaks when you're sick D: I can barely function properly when I'm sick, I seriously do stupid things like say Good Night at 7AM :BIGO: Also completely forget how to do math, science, and other classes I take :ohnoes:

I wish you the best of luck then :cfrown: Though I haven't done much sleeping in last week because I was coughing so much I could barely sleep; I'd sleep for about 2hrs, wake up, try to get back to sleep, then repeat until about 6-7AM when I just decided I couldn't stand trying to get to sleep anymore :displeased:

elfhome 01-18-2011 04:23 PM

I am sitting here typing whilst 100 slides print up. They're class notes, but it's still better than writing them all up by hand. I have Serology, Clinical Analysis II, Path/Phys, and Bio Organic. This semester is going to be an absolute nightmare...
To top it all off my little Diamond Dove chased my Cockatiel away from me and she hit the wall. She has a HUGE bald spot and a scraped head. :( I don't know if she will grow the feathers back as the follicles were damaged. Her crest is all gone except for two sad little plumes. Does anyone want to adopt a psychotic... I mean a sweet, hand tame little dove? He can't be kept with other birds because he thinks he's people.

Also, my dad's sock has been half done since Christmas. Although I could always gift him with a single sock and an IOU by his birthday in August. LOL

Hall of Famer 01-18-2011 06:07 PM

I can feel you. They all tell me that Junior year is the hardest, and the second semester is even worse. I've gotta live through it though. XD

elfhome 01-18-2011 06:51 PM

I'm glad I have my bachelor's even though it was sort of a waste. They waived all of my english and math including Statistics (I'd DIE before I'd take that class that again). Plus 'd taken Micro, Chem and Bio so they waived that, too. And all of my gen ed credits were accepted. Of course, this also meant I had to jump right into classes when I hadn't taken a 'real' class in a while. Art classes were a lot of work, but they don't prepare you for the amount of studying.

I'm just grateful I love what I am studying. During my spare time I like to read science books and I started off having a basic grasp of biology and suchlike.

PTGigi 01-27-2011 08:57 AM


THIS IS A MIRACLE!!! Now to go back to coding while waiting for my next exam to start at noon :meow:

Oh yus and see my sig if you haven't, you should all be scared :OHSHITALION:

elfhome 01-27-2011 09:43 AM

Bio-Organic Chemistry... Serology... Bio-Organic... *Head explodes*

PTGigi 01-27-2011 10:00 AM

NO not head exploding D:

Gah I got an APUSH (Advanced Placement US History) exam in an hour T_T I'm gonna fail and I can say that without spazzing out of breaking down :smile: See, this is why I don't like AP classes. My parents force me into them then I do poorly :wutno: (but last year I dropped the class in the first two weeks, this year I've been made to stay in for 1/2 the year :hmmm:) So I expect bad results :veeee:

Meh probably should get some lunch (it's weird going on a forum in school O.o)

Owl feelings like popping in:

^ ^
(O -O)

elfhome 01-27-2011 10:28 AM

I did poorly on my AP but did great in college. AP can be worthless unless it's relevant to your study and you want to take it. Waiving a class is valuable but not always the right thing to
Sorry I got attacked by a bird.
Anyways, my point is I see a lot of college students do better and benefit from taking high school at their own pace...

PTGigi 01-27-2011 10:34 AM

Too bad my parents don't see it that way D:

I hope you weren't bird munched too much :O *blames OWL* Yus his name is always in all caps X3

elfhome 01-27-2011 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by pokemontrainergigi (Post 13852)
Too bad my parents don't see it that way D:

I hope you weren't bird munched too much :O *blames OWL* Yus his name is always in all caps X3

She's gentle. She flies out of nowhere, and grooms me and if resist she grabs me and won't take no for an answer. She wants me to be squeaky clean, except when she is finished I am usually 1) bleeding from having dead skin ripped off and 2) covered in bird dander.

PTGigi 01-27-2011 10:43 AM

Ouch D: At least she's trying to be helpful rather than munch-munch you ^-^

elfhome 01-27-2011 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by pokemontrainergigi (Post 13856)
Ouch D: At least she's trying to be helpful rather than munch-munch you ^-^

When she was little, you had to be careful because she was good at accidental biting, especially when being fed. She has never bitten anyone out of anger, although she is very good at going nom nom nom to get her point across.

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