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Arianna 10-29-2009 02:33 PM

Breeding System - Complete!
Firstly, I don't take credit for all this. This code was made by gabeki, Seapyramid, Brandon, and me. :D

You'll need to have some kind of gender mod for this, so viewing the thread that I have would be very useful. ;)

Just copy and paste the file at the bottom of this post into a file and call it 'breeding.php'. Then upload it via FTP or FileManager to your website, in the 'adoptables' folder (or whatever else you called it).

There are a few things you'll need to change - if you don't have a date system like me, take out the following part on line 204.
PHP Code:

$date date("F jS, Y"); 

Then find and replace.
PHP Code:

//find this code, around line 207 or 208
mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','0','0', '$code', '','$alts','fortrade','no','$gender','$date')");
//replace it with this
mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','0','0', '$code', '','$alts','fortrade','no','$gender',)"); 

If you don't have a trade system or plan to install one, you can change 'fortrade' to 'notfortrade', though it is not nessecary.

The last thing you need is a link to the breeding page. You can put it in the top nav bar (I do that via PHPmyAdmin) or in the sidebar (functions.php) but make sure your members have some way to access it.

Tell me if there is anything left which is wrong with the code, please!

PHP Code:


// **********************************************************************
// Rusnak PHP Adoptables Script
// Copyright 2009 Brandon Rusnak
// For help and support:
// Redistribution prohibited without written permission
// **********************************************************************

// Wake the sleeping giant

// **********************************************************************
// Basic Configuration Info
// **********************************************************************


$themeurl grabanysetting("themeurl");

// **********************************************************************
// Define our top links by calling getlinks()
// **********************************************************************

$links getlinks();

// **********************************************************************
// Define our ads by calling getads()
// **********************************************************************

$ads getads("any");

// **********************************************************************
// Grab any settings that we will need for the current page from the DB
// **********************************************************************

$browsertitle grabanysetting("browsertitle");
$sitename grabanysetting("sitename");
$slogan grabanysetting("slogan");

// **********************************************************************
// Check and see if the user is logged in to the site
// **********************************************************************

$loginstatus logincheck();
$isloggedin $loginstatus[loginstatus];
$loggedinname $loginstatus[username];

// **********************************************************************
// End Prepwork - Output the page to the user
// **********************************************************************

$article_content $article_title."Breeding System"
$article_content $article_content."<p>Adoptable breeding systems sure aren't easy to make! I wish that this would work!</p>"

$femaleid $_POST['female'];
$maleid $_POST['male'];
$breed $_POST['breed'];

$femaleid secure($femaleid);
$maleid secure($maleid);
$breed secure($breed); 

// this two variables will get the female and male ID's from the selection form and the answer if the user has selected the adoptables or not.

// First let's create a page so the users can choose the two adoptables that they want to breed

if ($isloggedin == "yes"){ 
// we have to put that in the start of the breeding system, so users that are not logged in cannot see the selection forms

if ($breed != 'yes'){
// if the anser if the user has selected the adoptables or not, is different than YES, we have to show the options so the user can select them

        // This will start a selection form to select the females
$article_content $article_content."<p>Select the Two adoptables you want to Breed:</p><p><form method='post'><select name = 'female'>"

//This will select all the female adoptables the user has
$result mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner = '$loggedinname' AND gender = 'Female'");
$num mysql_num_rows($result);

// Loop Out code < this will loop so you select all the rows and not just one
$i 0;
        while (
$i $num){
$aid = @mysql_result($result,$i,'aid');
$type = @mysql_result($result,$i,'type');
$name = @mysql_result($result,$i,'name');

$article_content $article_content."<option value='".$aid."'>".$name." (".$type.")</option>";
//this will display something like that: cute kitty (cat), the name (the type); for each adoptable (female) the user has


$article_content $article_content."</select><select name='male'>"//now let's do the same for the males

$result2 mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner = '$loggedinname' AND gender = 'Male'");
$num2 mysql_num_rows($result2);

// Loop Out code
$i2 0;
        while (
$i2 $num2){
$aid2 = @mysql_result($result2,$i2,'aid');
$type2 = @mysql_result($result2,$i2,'type');
$name2 = @mysql_result($result2,$i2,'name');

$article_content $article_content."<option value='".$aid2."'>".$name2." (".$type2.")</option>";


$article_content $article_content."</select><input type='hidden' name='breed' value='yes'><input type='submit' value='Breed It'></form>";

// ok now the user has two selection forms to those a female and a male adoptable and when they click Breed It, it will be posted 
       // to the variables $_POST['female'] and $_POST['male'], which will be two aid (adoptables ids), and with that ID we can select
       // the information that we need from the database, and breed them

        // the hidden input will give us an answer to our question, the user has selected it? and it'll be 'yes'

// this is the end of if($breed != 'yes'), so now we have to put an ELSE statment, that means that the answer IS yes, and we can proceed with the breeding

else {
// ok, if the user gets here, it means that we have the male and female ID, and with it we can select the informations from the database.
        // here you can estabilish what you want.. the adoptables have to be which level to breed? the adoptables have to be the same type? 
        // I took out the incompatible part, it can be added back in if needed
        // first let's get the information we need

$result mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE aid = '$femaleid'");
// the result should be just one row, so we don't need a loop

$female_type mysql_result($result,0,'type'); 
// 0 means that we are selecting the very first row, in this case, the only one
$female_name mysql_result($result,0,'name');
$female_level mysql_result($result,0,'currentlevel');

$result2 mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE aid = '$maleid'");
// the result should be just one row, so we don't need a loop

$male_type = @mysql_result($result2,0,'type'); 
// 0 means that we are selecting the very first row, in this case, the only one
$male_name = @mysql_result($result2,0,'name');
$male_level = @mysql_result($result2,0,'currentlevel');

// now we have all we need. let's start the security system, to guarantee that the user has the requirements
if ($male_level OR $female_level 2){ //this is if they can't breed
$article_content $article_content."Sorry, one of your adoptables don't have the minimum level to breed. Keep feeding them so they can grow.";    

        else {
//We choose the type!
$temptype rand(01);
$temptype == "0") {
$type $male_type;
                    else if(
$temptype "1"){
$type $female_type;
            if (
$type == $male_type) {
$result3 mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."adoptables WHERE type='$male_type'");
$aid mysql_result($result3,0,"id"); //The adoptable's ID
$eggimage mysql_result($result3,0,"eggimage");
            else {
$result3 mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."adoptables WHERE type='$female_type'");
$aid mysql_result($result3,0,"id"); //The adoptable's ID
$eggimage mysql_result($result3,0,"eggimage");
// we're choosing a gender
$tempgender rand(01);

$tempgender == "0"){
$new_name "Son of ".$male_name." & ".$female_name;
$gender 'Male';
            else if(
$tempgender == "1"){
$new_name "Daughter of ".$male_name." & ".$female_name;
$gender 'Female';
$article_content $article_content."<p>Your adoptables are breeding.</p>";
            if (
$type != "0"){
$article_content $article_content."<p>Result: <b>Bred Succesfully</b></p><p>Your new egg is being transferred to you right now. Yay!</p>";

// now let's insert the new egg at owned_adoptables

               // now we're choosing the code
$code rand(120000);

$alts getaltstatus($aid00);

// and the date comes in here too
$date date("F jS, Y");   
$name $new_name;

mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','0','0', '$code', '','$alts','fortrade','no','$gender','$date')");

$article_content $article_content."<p><img src='".$eggimage."'><br /><a href='myadopts.php'>Manage ".$name." now!</a>
               It's type is "
.$type." and it was born on ".$date."! You can change its name to your liking.</p>";

// if our type is not equal to zero, this is where we continue. this is the end of the continuation.
// we end the place where it goes on if the levels are ok
//this bracket ends the else where we find the male/female id's
}// this is the end of if($isloggedin == "yes")

else { //this is the else of if($isloggedin == "yes")

$article_content $article_content."You are not logged in. Please log in to breed.";


// **********************************************************************
// Begin Template Definition
// **********************************************************************

//Define our current theme
$file $themeurl;

// Do the template changes and echo the ready template
$template file_get_contents($file);

$template replace(':ARTICLETITLE:',$article_title,$template);
$template replace(':ARTICLECONTENT:',$article_content,$template);
$template replace(':ARTICLEDATE:',$article_date,$template);

$template replace(':BROWSERTITLE:',$browsertitle,$template);
$template replace(':SITENAME:',$sitename,$template);

//Define our links
$template replace(':LINKSBAR:',$links,$template);

//Get the content for the side bar...

$sidebar getsidebar();
$template replace(':SIDEFEED:',$sidebar,$template);

//Get the ad content...
$template replace(':ADS:',$ads,$template);

//Get the slogan info
$template replace(':SLOGAN:',$slogan,$template);


// **********************************************************************
// End Template Definition
// **********************************************************************


arlecchina 10-29-2009 03:11 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
Thanks gabeki, Seapyramid, Brandon, and Arianna! I'm not sure when I'll be be able to try this out, but I definitely will in the future. Thanks for posting this!

Arianna 10-29-2009 03:20 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
You're welcome. :D I hope that you like it!

gabeki 10-30-2009 11:30 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
Ari, do you have a trade system?

Arianna 10-30-2009 12:56 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
Yes. :D Sea was nice enough to give me the code. :) Is there any chance this is interfering with the breeding code?

gabeki 10-30-2009 03:34 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
what do you mean by interfering? are you with some error?

how does sea's trading system works? I'll have to remake my code and I need some ideas ^^

Seapyramid 10-30-2009 09:02 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!

Originally Posted by gabeki
what do you mean by interfering? are you with some error?

how does sea's trading system works? I'll have to remake my code and I need some ideas ^^

Quite frankly, it seems to me if someone wants a code I haven't shared public they should ask me about it, not someone I gave it too....


Arianna 10-31-2009 02:59 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
I'm not giving her the code, I just thought that it might be somehow not working as she didn't have it on her install (because it might not take it if there are 'fortrades' in the table. Come to think of it, I don't think it checks, I just wanted to be sure.
By interfering, I meant that you not having it may be causing something. But IDK if that's how it works. [/php novice speak]

Seapyramid 10-31-2009 04:23 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
I wasn't impling anything on you Arianna.. Just saying that those who asked were asking the wrong person :)

Arianna 10-31-2009 04:45 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
Okay, that's good. :)
I can't wait to try out the system on my working site. (My pets haven't grown up yet. xD)

SieghartZeke 10-31-2009 08:11 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
but the code that you need top put on the 207 what of file you need to add(doadopt?myadopt?what??I)

Arianna 10-31-2009 12:23 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
In the actual breeding.php file.

SieghartZeke 10-31-2009 12:28 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
Uhm... but i can change the file name with coupling.php???

gabeki 10-31-2009 03:19 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
Seapyramid, I did not ask for the code, can you read my post at least once, before saying something about it?

Thanks ^^

Or even better, even after you read it at least once, you can relax and THINK before you post. That way you can try to be less rude and more useful to people here in the Forum.

I read almost all the posts here in the adoptables forum, including yours, and seems to me that because you have a good site, with a good amout of members and scripts programmed by yourself, you think you can despise others members that are starting now. Well, it's not that way.

But, if you are rude not because you think you are something more than others members, but because of personal problems, I recommend yoga. And it doesn't mean I care about your stress or something, so no need to thank me. I just care about how I'm treated.

Arianna 11-01-2009 05:25 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!

Originally Posted by SieghartZeke
Uhm... but i can change the file name with coupling.php???

Sure, if you want to.

SieghartZeke 11-01-2009 10:16 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete! i show this hen i go in the Coupling:
i show this on the top of the page:

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/a6518385/public_html/GcA/adoptables/breeding.php on line 81

Arianna 11-02-2009 02:08 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
I don't know. Can you please be patient? Gosh, I don't even want to help if you're so impolite.

SieghartZeke 11-02-2009 10:02 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!

Bloodrun 11-03-2009 05:18 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!

Originally Posted by Arianna
I don't know. Can you please be patient? Gosh, I don't even want to help if you're so impolite.

Thank you for being polite Arianna. She brings up a very good point, she is spending her time maing this Modification because she wants too. She is even nice enough to help you install it.

SieghartZeke you act very impatiently in a lot of the threads you post in. I would like to ask you nicely to please be patient and to please show some respect.

Hall of Famer 11-05-2009 12:32 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
So this is an egg system? Excellent!

Arianna 11-06-2009 02:18 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
I'm sorry, I've been busy. I can try and troubleshoot, though.
Maybe, try changing it back to breeding.php. There may be some file links, which could be disrupting it. :)
Have you installed the gender system/given existing pets genders? I had to do it manually, by making the default value 'female', then changing the rest to male.

SieghartZeke 11-06-2009 02:38 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
err i dont have complted the gender system because in a part,when ichanged the code i can managae the new charatcer!

Seapyramid 11-06-2009 02:48 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!

Originally Posted by SieghartZeke
err i dont have complted the gender system because in a part,when ichanged the code i can managae the new charatcer!

That is why you are getting the error then. the script is looking for the gender in the database & it's not there.

Hall of Famer 11-06-2009 04:34 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
I installed this addon, and get the two warnings below:


Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in public_html/adoption/breeding.php on line 81

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in public_html/adoption/breeding.php on line 99
Dunno if the breeding system will still work. XD

SieghartZeke 11-07-2009 06:03 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
But when i add a code,4 the gender, i dont show the new adoptable!
And 4 the Sql ,i dont know where to put ...and what put.....

Arianna 11-07-2009 09:16 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
I don't get what you're trying to say now... Are you saying you're having problems with this code, or with the gender code?
Why don't you just add the gender table, give the pets genders, and see if the breeding system works. Then we can work on the inserting into the table/

SieghartZeke 11-07-2009 12:06 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
No with the breeding the gender that give me problem!
When i add this code:


mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','0','0', '$code', '','$alts','notfortrade','no','$gender')");
The character that i adopt say that is not in the database...and sorry 4 the bad grammar but im italian and i have so many problme to traslate the word that i say.....

Then......i need to add a new table in owned adoptable...but i dont know what i need to put!

Seapyramid 11-07-2009 12:16 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
Adding a row to a table is quite easy & in the Breeding system it is listed how to set it. Please, just try to read and learn a bit so that you can understand at least some of what you are told.


Ashje 12-17-2009 10:29 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
Hi, Thank you for posting this. It's excellent. My problem is that once an egg is successfully bread ( is that the past tense of breed? Bread? Not the food bread T.T) it isn't transferred to the user's account. The only edit I've made is changing the required levels from 2 to 0. If you have time, could you please help? Oh and I'm using your gender system as well. Also very awesome.

Ashje =D

Arianna 12-18-2009 12:44 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
Cool! I don't know why - why don't you try this. After where it's supposed to insert it, write:
PHP Code:

$article_content $article_content $query

This will allow you to see your query, and check if something is going wrong. Maybe you don't have the same number of columns as I do (I have a date column, too) so you might want to check that.
Lol, I just noticed that we don't do that in the query. If you put it in an external string, you can echo it. For now, try removing '$date', from the sting.

Ashje 12-18-2009 01:18 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
I'll give it a shot, thanks for the help. XD

gjac1 12-18-2009 11:40 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
Arianna, how much work do you think it would be to add a cost system to this mod ??

At the moment members can just breed as many as they like but if it costs them credits then it will limit the amount they can breed :)

Arianna 12-18-2009 01:02 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
Not much, just send me a PM and I can try and get it to work, especially as that would be good for my site, too. :)

Ashje 12-21-2009 04:23 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
Hi Arianna,

I tried removing the date codes but it still isn't transferring the newly born adoptable to the user's account. If you could, please help.


Arianna 12-22-2009 01:06 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
Hmm... That still is very weird. Could you make a line, after it's supposed to insert it, which echoes the query (or goes $article_content = $article_content . $query;, I guess) and paste that in. We can compare it to your table, then, to see what's wrong. :)

Ashje 12-23-2009 04:34 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
Thank you,

I'll try it as soon as my FTP gets up and running again. :D I'm excited, I'm learning PHP. XD

So I would say...
PHP Code:

             $name $new_name;

mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','0','0', '$code', '','$alts','fortrade','no','$gender')");
$article_content $article_content $query;
$article_content $article_content."<p><img src='".$eggimage."'><br /><a href='myadopts.php'>Manage ".$name." now!</a>
               It's type is "
.$type." and it was born on ".$date."! You can change its name to your liking.</p>"


PHP Code:

             $name $new_name;

mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','0','0', '$code', '','$alts','fortrade','no','$gender')");
$article_content $article_content$query."<p><img src='".$eggimage."'><br /><a href='myadopts.php'>Manage ".$name." now!</a>
               It's type is "
.$type." and it was born on ".$date."! You can change its name to your liking.</p>"


Arianna 12-23-2009 04:38 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
Hmm, maybe...
PHP Code:

  $query "INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','0','0', '$code', '','$alts','fortrade','no','$gender')";
$article_content $article_content$query."<p><img src='".$eggimage."'><br /><a href='myadopts.php'>Manage ".$name." now!</a>
               It's type is "
.$type." and it was born on ".$date."! You can change its name to your liking.</p>"

mapleblade 12-23-2009 09:03 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
well it works fine at me, butthe new adoptable egg doesnt show up in myadopts.php?

Arianna 12-23-2009 10:17 AM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
That's weird. Are you sure you have the right colums in your table?

Ashje 12-23-2009 09:40 PM

RE: Breeding System - Complete!
Hi Arianna,
I tried that and it worked! The adoptables were being inserted into the database. Problem is, it was showing the query on the page. So I removed your edit and it stopped working again. So then I put
PHP Code:


back in but left out
PHP Code:


and it hid the query but still inserted the new adopt into the database. I think that was the problem. Anyway, thank you for the support. The script is awesome. XD


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