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Ittermat 02-02-2016 07:22 PM

Ah..hello ^^;
Hi there! My names Serra!

I just got here last night... Im sure you've seen me wandering and posting alot...Im the owner of the petsite Atrocity...

I was using MVPS (since that was the ONLY Way to make a site being a noob at Coding that I am) But they literally havent updated in almost a year...and I put alot of work into my site (As I made everything pretty much all by myself...cept for what has someone elses name on it- and yes...Im gonna completely redo the explore maps-that was a mix up-)...And alot of I'd rather put all that into somewhere that will actually feel worthwhile. And will actually feel like they deserve my time, effort and money...And I really think this site does!

So I'm moving base camp over here to Mysidia! I still have alot to do...update...fix, redo... but I do honestly hope to make it better and way more fun than it was before!!!

Its nice to meet you all!


Hall of Famer 02-03-2016 08:26 AM

Welcome to Mysidia Adoptables Serra, I hope you enjoy your experience building an adoptables site with our script.

Eagle9615 02-03-2016 02:37 PM

Welcome to Mysidia!
Those are pretty much the reasons I moved off of MVPS as well. I told myself I'd give them to the end of 2015 to update something and it never happened.

The community here is more active and I see Hall of Famer online almost daily.

Ittermat 02-03-2016 05:17 PM

EAGLE!!! *huggles*

Link me to your new site!

Also yea I was giving them time as well....but It just became too...Abandoned? is that the right word? Either way its clear they wont be back anytime soon...and even if they do come back? Its a bit too late.

And hall of famer! thank you! <3 Im glad to be here... now I have tons of work to do! And the breeding page to fix...

Kyttias 02-03-2016 09:00 PM

Can I ask what exactly they weren't doing over at MVPS? What all didn't you have access to yourself?

If it comes down to wanting new features and bugfixes, we've been waiting on HoF to deliver a new version of Mysidia for at least two and a half years when he first promised it'd be out the next season. I know this because I joined two years ago and almost delayed because I felt the new version would be out soon... and after two months of waiting, it still wasn't, so I moved forward developing on the current version. HoF has a life, and if something's free, you're getting exactly what you pay for. Luckily he IS around to talk to, at least. I see him at least once a week consistently!

The community is pretty helpful and after a while several members have gotten the hang of doing things. Coming into this, I barely understood PHP - and Mysidia is so full of custom classes (thanks to the object-oriented style it's built upon) that it's hard to understand how to use at first.

See, beyond basic functionality, if you want something done... you will pretty much have to do it yourself. It will allow a programmer to add in amazing features, but it puts a non-coder in basically the same position MVPS would. But the difference is "not knowing how to code" versus "not being able to". If you're willing to learn, we're here for you! Don't be afraid to ask some really basic questions if it helps.

I super recommend looking into taking a few courses at Codecademy - it's free and very easy to follow. If you sign up, you can keep track of your progress (and that's the only purpose of signing up so don't be afraid to do so~)!

Ittermat 02-03-2016 11:05 PM

I understand real life comes first honest! But with MVPS there are literally game breaking bugs that arent being fixed or anything (for example random users cant buy anything from stores..)...they're never around... only really showed up to write a few "promises for bugfixes" that never happened...and none of the other mods are even on ...EVER...

Its basically more neglect than anything.

WE dont have access to our ACTUAL sites like you do here... on MVPS its all just us editing their "Website" so theres alot we cant fix unless they do it for us. We cant have access to the core files of our site...we basically just login and add items, add maps, and add pets and things... its very basic.. (and im not saying its a bad thing to do it that way..Im just annoyed at how broken it is)

At least you know HOF is here...and if you have a question or suggestion you can ask and they'll answer when they can.

At MVPS? no one is there except the people making sites.

Also it wasnt free...I've spent about $300 there. (because they charge by "Slots") as need another pet slot to add a new pet,new item,new explore page...etc. plus a monthly subscription to have a premium site that has the ability to use premium bbcode...(So for example- before I bought the subscription, I couldnt have images on my stores, my bank, my games...etc.)

At the end of the day its just bad business practice really...

And thanks for the advice! I'll definately check into it ^^

Corsair 02-05-2016 04:36 PM

To give context I'm from MVPS as well and was there from the beta. Pretty much the owner keeps making promises and then going long gaps without updating only to return and then promise it will not happen again with even more promises. Before this disappearance the owner went missing while a bug rendered any older user or their site's members unable to even see the site. It redirected for months to another site. May I add that I was contacted by another person who was asking me where the owner was because she promised to help this person program on their site (not related to MVPS) but was not responding to their contact attempts.

It was very much NOT %100 free. You have to spend money to to upgrade your site to get much done. I've spend over $50-60 (maybe more thanks to USD to GBP charges) on upgrading my site so I most certainly did not get what I what you pay for. Sorry to be sharp but unless you know the full story it's not the all. :hmmm:

Kyttias 02-05-2016 06:04 PM

Unfortunately, if you guys don't know how to code, at some point you will either need to learn to code or start paying people. We're here to fix bugs, answer basic questions, and mod creators will help answer questions about mods.

If you request a new feature and you're not likely to get it - but if you ask specific questions and you'll get specific answers. If you ask for more than what I can do in ten minutes, I'll only have enough time to vaguely describe what you need to do in terms only a programmer could understand... it's a pointer in the right direction, but only if you're willing to do a lot of Google-ing on your own.

We just can't do major features for free. I'd accept money, but, even if I wanted to work for money I still just don't have the time now that I'm working. Everyone here is pretty much in the same boat. We'll try to help teach the best we can, if you guys are willing to put forth the effort. We were all beginners once!

Corsair 02-05-2016 06:57 PM

With all do respect I do not think you understand the point I'm trying to make. I just commented to give context to what the OP is saying. I joined that site because I liked the concept and I paid money to help the owner have funds to run the site. My frustration comes not because I want to make a site but because I had faith in the project and supported it and it was abandoned.

However enough about MVPS as I do not want to start drama.

I did not come here expecting anyone to code for me or provide me features. I don't want anyone to do anything for me right now. I just came here to take a look at the script and maybe even use it to practice coding. :wutno:

I am very capable of putting forth effort if it's needed.

Eagle9615 02-06-2016 01:43 PM

*hugs back*
Here's a link to my site. It's a bit bare since I'm still working on moving everything over and figuring out how to code.

Ittermat 02-06-2016 05:08 PM

im doing the same thing actually! both the moving and the learning...


*Discreetly creates sister site page and adds you <3*

Eagle9615 02-06-2016 07:31 PM

I have faith in both of us!

You should give me the link to your site so I can do the same :happyc:

Ittermat 02-06-2016 07:36 PM

Agreed!! Faith I have in us too!!


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