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Silver_Brick 02-20-2017 10:45 AM

New Virtual Community
So i was getting treated like a animal not human in vpl whenever i post something he try to be rude or immature with me then he is treating same to anyone who is against him so better i decided to make a new community which will be open for open minded people and who believe in freedom and i need your support to make a community like this

so if you want to join tell me your role -
1.Want to be moderator
2.An Active member of new community
5.Cool Guy


tahbikat 02-20-2017 01:34 PM

I totally support another virtual petsite community! However I caution you not to make one strictly out of spite for VPL or you'll drive yourself crazy and it may not be successful. You have to really want to do this and it will take a lot of work and time on your part.

I'll volunteer just to be a member (my time is precious these days), so send me the link whenever the site is up! (:

Silver_Brick 02-20-2017 01:46 PM

No why would i copy that dirty vpl i can make one myself :)

And sure i will give the link

Silver_Brick 02-21-2017 02:28 AM

here is the link of new community -

Silver_Brick 02-21-2017 09:50 AM

today was a great start for virtual pet network and we hope we increase at this speed :)

Silver_Brick 02-21-2017 07:16 PM

New games will come for sale in VPN soon by game publishers at discount price...

Which game you want for sale in vpn ??

Abronsyth 02-21-2017 09:48 PM

What do you mean by games? And which publishers, if I may ask?

Silver_Brick 02-22-2017 01:09 PM

I mean games which are buyable like pc games,xbox and other will be for sale soon and yet i need to confirm which publisher are interested in selling games in our community for low prices..

And i will ask design1online if she want to sell the pgf framework at some discount price for our community and i think she is gonna agree

But remember the sale sill exist till 2 days and i will tell soon from shen to when

Corsair 02-22-2017 05:38 PM

I care about making the forum a friendly and active forum for game developers.

Bexasaurus 02-22-2017 06:40 PM

Looks like fun. :colonzero:

Silver_Brick 02-22-2017 11:58 PM

yea thanks to corsair and yea its fun :meow:

Silver_Brick 02-23-2017 03:31 AM
VPN Traffic is rapidly increasing :ohnoes:

i would like to credit corsair,lavie and other member for making vpn a successful website by writing guides,information and especially giving suggestion

so its time to payback well then why don't you put your website to get support from us ^^

Abronsyth 02-23-2017 09:08 AM

The problem with approaching publishers about offering games at discount prices is that you need to be able to guarantee enough traffic to make it worth it to them, because if they don't get a high amount of traffic then they are losing money.

It's of course your choice, but I would advise waiting to approach game developers until after your community has been up and running for at least a year, and has a large active userbase. That way you don't risk driving them away in the future.

((As for design1online she is already going to be offering her framework at a very low, very reasonable price and asking her if she'd be willing to offer a discount could potentially be insulting to her, as the work she is doing is already worth far more than $300)).

Not trying to discourage, just advising to help :veeee:

Silver_Brick 02-23-2017 09:37 AM

yea thanks for the advise i will follow it xD and are you there in the community :P

Silver_Brick 03-02-2017 06:32 AM

i am back ^^ so vpn will be active again

Nemesis 03-08-2017 01:38 PM

Site looks good.

I would recommend you buy a domain at godaddy.

I spent $13 on a domain and also got 1 year hosting with it.

godaddy is not as fast as my personal server gemnode but it works.

If you need better hosting you can contact me I offer it for free.

Silver_Brick 03-20-2017 01:13 PM

our site is transfered to -

Silver_Brick 04-18-2017 04:04 AM

Easter egg hunt -,10.0.html

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