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Kyttias 07-02-2014 10:22 AM

Bootstrap [AdminCP version]
Works for sure with: Mysidia v1.3.4
Download: [link]

Step 1: (As it is always important to back up your files, do that FIRST. In your templates folder, rename the "acp" folder into "old_acp". You'll always be able to delete this modification and rename this folder back to "acp" to restore the original files.) Put in the new "acp" folder.

Step 2: (In your class folder, rename "class_adminsidebar.php" to "old_adminsidebar.php", so you have a backup.) Put in the new copy of "class_adminsidebar.php". (*The only modification I made to this file was to add line breaks after every link in the drop downs.)

Optional: In the new "templates/acp/media" folder, replace the "bootstrap.min.css" file with your preferred Bootstrap theme's css file, or, in "templates/acp/header.tpl" replace the link to "bootstrap.min.css" to a copy hosted elsewhere online, via CDN.

There are some bugs that are beyond my control without digging into the individual page's files and changing how the text is rendered (to add in an actual h2/h3 header here, a line break there, etc). When in doubt, compare it to the original copy of the AdminCP as far as 'visual bugs' go. (Note the two "Alternative Outcomes" headers on the Create New Adoptables page - this exists in the original version as well. Also note how the very first "Create a New Adoptable:" header is smaller than the "Basic Information" header. This is because the latter is actually wrapped in a header tag and the former is just bolded and underlined. Bootstrap touches things wrapped in actual header tags, and I don't want to modify -all- the admin files to weed out incompatible design choices.)
On the plus side, jQuery is now included in the ACP's template folder rather than being pointed toward's Google's CDN - meaning the sidebar links will now actually work if you're working in a local environment (WAMP/XAMP/LAMP, etc) and there is no internet connection. I was always wondering why I could never use the AdminCP when I had no internet connection locally, and then I saw the only copy of jQuery being referenced was one online, not one stored inside of Mysidia's own files.

Also updated the copyright to 2014. ovo~
What's next?
This is version 1/a beta version. When the next version of Mysidia launches, I'll happily make any necessary modifications.

I'm considering making it more mobile-friendly, in that, it's not currently. When the page gets too small the long sidebar menu just takes a figurative mile on top of the content. I'll probably make a button on the header that the sidebar will collapse down into when it's on a smaller display.

More suggestions/bug reports welcome.

MikiHeart 01-09-2015 06:05 AM

It looks amazing. I plan to use your bootstrap themes as the foundation for my website.
Also, it bugs me that you were able to get the script to work on WAMP. I was never able to get it to work on WAMP without lots of errors.. But it works perfectly on my host. Go figure.

Kyttias 01-09-2015 03:42 PM

I'm glad you like it! I've not gotten any real feedback on it...

And I've still been meaning to write a guide about WAMP... basically, I think its just these three things:

First of all - Apache. You'll need to make sure mod_rewrite is enabled.

And then php.ini - turn on openssl. (Open up the file?? Remove the ; at the start of the line extension=php_openssl.dll to uncomment it and turn on openssl.)

And those errors? Are really just kind of suggestions. You'll want to change the error_reporting line in php.ini to error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT to remove some notices that an ordinary webhost would hide.

Ordinary people installing this script with a hosting provider wouldn't run into any issues, because these things are usually enabled as a best practice. But WAMP (and similar packages) are minimalistic so people can turn features on and off as needed, and most non-essential things are turned off with a fresh install.

MikiHeart 01-10-2015 06:57 AM

Yea. I did research later that night. I remember I had to turn off the Notices, but then found out I had to turn off the Strict ones as well.

Now it works perfectly. I've been wanting to work on the site for two days, but so far, I haven't had time @.@

LucasA33 05-16-2015 09:20 AM

This looks amazing!

Abronsyth 02-24-2016 08:50 PM

First time actually using this and it seems very nice! However I am getting an error with the sidebar, and the banner still displays, that's only annoying in that it makes it difficult to see.

I didn't edit any of the theme files, followed the instructions exactly.

Kyttias 02-24-2016 09:57 PM

It appears to be attempted to use both the original css and the new css at the same time? o.O Is that what's going on?

Abronsyth 02-24-2016 10:21 PM

Yeaaah I guess? I definitely renamed the two files to "old_..." though.

Kyttias 02-24-2016 10:32 PM

You seem to be doing something wrong then. I didn't have installed on my new host so I just did so and I don't have what you've got visually. Seems to me like you didn't rename the "acp" folder to "acp_old" - you just merged the two together. Merged together, it's still going to try and use the old stylesheet. I can tell by the coloring in your screenshot! Try removing the "acp" folder entirely, since you already renamed the original one "acp_old" as a backup, and once there is definitely no folder named "acp" there, drag in the "acp" folder directly from the zip.

An easy way to tell if your folders were merged is that inside "acp/media" there should be no image files at all because there weren't any in the zip file and there's no way they could have gotten there unless you didn't rename the "acp" folder before moving the new one over.

Abronsyth 02-25-2016 09:51 AM

Ok, I did that and now the sidebar looks fine, but the banner still appears even though the image no longer even exists in my files. I've done several hard refreshes, but it's very stubborn.

At least I can actually see the links now, though XD

parayna 01-30-2021 03:13 PM

Now that the next Mys version has released, will this be updated for it? I've tried installing it as is (but I was indeed doubtful it would work lol) and as I expected it's not quite plug-and-play. I have added the new alternate forms section to the class_adminsidebar and it works perfectly with the old acp, of course. The Bootstrap version just displays a bit funkily. :smile:

  Spoiler: Image

(I left the tinypic image there while I was testing things out lol)

PixelRobot 03-07-2021 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by parayna (Post 37809)
Now that the next Mys version has released, will this be updated for it? I've tried installing it as is (but I was indeed doubtful it would work lol) and as I expected it's not quite plug-and-play. I have added the new alternate forms section to the class_adminsidebar and it works perfectly with the old acp, of course. The Bootstrap version just displays a bit funkily. :smile:

  Spoiler: Image

(I left the tinypic image there while I was testing things out lol)

How were you able to get the admin page working?

Kyttias 03-08-2021 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by PixelRobot (Post 37882)
How were you able to get the admin page working?

This has nothing to do with my theme.

If you're still having issues with your Mysidia installation/your config file issue then you need to start from the very beginning. Confirm you have a server running in the PHP 5.x line, not PHP 7.x (it will not work, no matter what, if you are using a PHP 7.x host - pick a different provider if you cannot downgrade what version of PHP they provide you). Then following the instructions as outlined in the thread you obtained the download from (aka this one). For convenience's sake, I'm pasting the steps:


1. Use ftp to Upload the entire folder Mysidia Adoptables v1.3.5 to your preferred directory, and change the name to whatever you like.
2. Change the CMD of folder "picuploads" to 777, together with its subfolders, this is required to enable user uploading images. Also change the CMD of the subfolders "cache", "compile" and "config" in your template folder to 777.
3. Rename the file config_adopts to config.php, otherwise the script will tell you config.php does not exist.
4. Access your site by the appropriate url and you will be automatically redirected to installation page, follow the instructions and proceed.
If Step 4 doesn't redirect you to the install page, I believe its just at the url you've uploaded the files to /install.

No one here can help you until after you've confirm for us what hosting you're trying to install it on, that said hosting is providing you with something between PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.6, that you uploaded your files and set with the proper permissions via ftp, your config file was renamed, and you ran the installer at the /install url and it did not throw any errors.

If you're still having issues, the most important information you need to provide when writing a ticket is what hosting provider you're attempting to use. There are known problems and known solutions to a small handful of providers, but we can't offer any solutions until you tell us, step by step, what you were and were not able to do of the instructions.

I suspect that your hosting isn't running the proper version of PHP and/or you did not run the installer.

PixelRobot 03-09-2021 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Kyttias (Post 37885)
This has nothing to do with my theme.

If you're still having issues with your Mysidia installation/your config file issue then you need to start from the very beginning. Confirm you have a server running in the PHP 5.x line, not PHP 7.x (it will not work, no matter what, if you are using a PHP 7.x host - pick a different provider if you cannot downgrade what version of PHP they provide you). Then following the instructions as outlined in the thread you obtained the download from (aka this one). For convenience's sake, I'm pasting the steps:

If Step 4 doesn't redirect you to the install page, I believe its just at the url you've uploaded the files to /install.

No one here can help you until after you've confirm for us what hosting you're trying to install it on, that said hosting is providing you with something between PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.6, that you uploaded your files and set with the proper permissions via ftp, your config file was renamed, and you ran the installer at the /install url and it did not throw any errors.

If you're still having issues, the most important information you need to provide when writing a ticket is what hosting provider you're attempting to use. There are known problems and known solutions to a small handful of providers, but we can't offer any solutions until you tell us, step by step, what you were and were not able to do of the instructions.

I suspect that your hosting isn't running the proper version of PHP and/or you did not run the installer.

Jeez, you don't have to be mean about it. I did all of that and my site will not let me login through the member login because the admin page was throwing errors. I asked you because this forum is dead and no one wants to answer questions. Where do I file a ticket? I'm running the site on Altervista. I am having multiple people rewrite the code to work on php 7.3 because it wouldn't work for me on 5.6 even though I did everything right.

Kyttias 03-10-2021 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by PixelRobot (Post 37887)
Jeez, you don't have to be mean about it. I did all of that and my site will not let me login through the member login because the admin page was throwing errors. I asked you because this forum is dead and no one wants to answer questions. Where do I file a ticket? I'm running the site on Altervista. I am having multiple people rewrite the code to work on php 7.3 because it wouldn't work for me on 5.6 even though I did everything right.

I get e-mail alerts for my threads, and this thread is about a theme template -- not the admin area itself, and not whatever problem you're having that's not related to my theme template. Again, I want to emphasize that you should have made your own thread in appropriate area rather than posting in my thread with something off-topic (the answer to your "but how did you get the admin page working" question is "it just does") -- and because its not working out of the box for you, then I can only assume you're having installation problems with Mysidia itself. And for still trying to help you at all... I get called mean? Hilarious.

You don't seem to have at thread in the Bug Tracker area, and you claimed to have gotten everything working in the thread you made in Questions. Truthfully, the issue you're having in this thread and this thread are probably both related to the fact you're on a subdomain and Mysidia can't figure out how to connect its files.

After a quick search for 'subdomain' here on the forums, I can only point you towards this thread or perhaps this thread for help. The former is about subdomains, the latter is about hosting that didn't function very well because it only offered subdomains. See if either of these solutions fix the issue you're having with the AdminCP, as they seem to have helped others.

If you feel the forums are dead, you can always try asking for help in the Discord server. (No, it's not run by me.)

I also don't personally recommend trying to update things to be compatible PHP 7 yourself as Mysidia's next update is planned to run on PHP 7.

All in all, I'm being very cordial with someone posting where they ought not be. I won't be responding after this, but best of luck. :usedusedused:

PixelRobot 03-12-2021 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Kyttias (Post 37889)
I get e-mail alerts for my threads, and this thread is about a theme template -- not the admin area itself, and not whatever problem you're having that's not related to my theme template. Again, I want to emphasize that you should have made your own thread in appropriate area rather than posting in my thread with something off-topic (the answer to your "but how did you get the admin page working" question is "it just does") -- and because its not working out of the box for you, then I can only assume you're having installation problems with Mysidia itself. And for still trying to help you at all... I get called mean? Hilarious.

You don't seem to have at thread in the Bug Tracker area, and you claimed to have gotten everything working in the thread you made in Questions. Truthfully, the issue you're having in this thread and this thread are probably both related to the fact you're on a subdomain and Mysidia can't figure out how to connect its files.

After a quick search for 'subdomain' here on the forums, I can only point you towards this thread or perhaps this thread for help. The former is about subdomains, the latter is about hosting that didn't function very well because it only offered subdomains. See if either of these solutions fix the issue you're having with the AdminCP, as they seem to have helped others.

If you feel the forums are dead, you can always try asking for help in the Discord server. (No, it's not run by me.)

I also don't personally recommend trying to update things to be compatible PHP 7 yourself as Mysidia's next update is planned to run on PHP 7.

All in all, I'm being very cordial with someone posting where they ought not be. I won't be responding after this, but best of luck. :usedusedused:

Thanks for the help, I think I found the issue based on the whole subdomain thing, hopefully, someone can help me on the discord

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