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GuardiansWish 04-30-2013 06:56 PM

Soft Delete and Purge Not working
I am looking to delete my testing pets from the site on a soft deletion. I checked the little box above the delete options and continued on as I usually would. I get no error message, nothing. It just won't take the pet off the adopts page. I tried a purge and it will not delete that way either.

Hall of Famer 05-01-2013 07:26 AM

Well pet deletion aint working properly for Mys v1.3.3, it has been identified as a bug, will be fixed in Mys v1.3.4.

GuardiansWish 05-01-2013 08:45 AM

Looks like we'll have to go back to 1.3.2 or shut down then...dang...

Hall of Famer 05-01-2013 09:20 AM

Well you can delete the pets through phpmyadmin. This glitch is not difficult to fix though, I may post a solution soon.

GuardiansWish 05-01-2013 09:22 AM

Okay. Is there any way you may be able to give me a step by step instruction on how to do that? because truthfully, databases scare the far out of me because I'm always thinking I'm going to break something. My database knowledge is rather limited.

But this is a good thing, at least there is an option!

Hall of Famer 05-01-2013 09:26 AM

Well go to Cpanel, and looks for table prefix.adoptables and prefix.owned_adoptables. Delete all adoptables that match the type you wish to get rid of.

GuardiansWish 05-01-2013 09:27 AM

Okay. That sounds like a purge (good). Is there any way to do a soft deletion?

Hall of Famer 05-01-2013 09:28 AM

Soft deletion? You can just delete the types in table prefix_adoptables, prefix_adoptables_conditions and leave the entries in table prefix_owned_adoptables unchanged.

GuardiansWish 05-01-2013 09:30 AM

Famer, we love you so much. Thank you for this <3

Hall of Famer 05-01-2013 09:32 AM

Oh you are very welcome, I am glad to help. Tbh I am still trying to sort out the reason why soft deletion wont work on ACP, the code does not look malfunctioning. I will probably just have to search harder. XD

GuardiansWish 05-01-2013 09:35 AM

I scanned it myself to see if somehow I had inadvertently screwed it up and I can't see why it's being a butt either. But, I have faith that you'll find it.

GuardiansWish 05-01-2013 10:34 AM

Okay. We made another test pet to double check that I was doing it right. I took out the rows in prefix_adoptables and prefix_adotables_conditions. It did indeed take the pet off of the adopts page but I am now getting the following error when I go to myadopts page to view the pets:

Invalid ID Specified

Adoptable cat does not exist...

(cat was the name of the adoptable)

Hall of Famer 05-01-2013 11:51 AM

Oh goodness, this is because the script is still trying to load the adoptables... Why do you want to soft deletion though? Usually hard deletion works out better.

Anyway I will look into this further. It may not be an easy fix, will likely to require modification of both the class file and the controller file.

GuardiansWish 05-01-2013 11:57 AM

The way we set up Chibifurs is that there are pets available at the beginning on the month. At the beginning of the next month, those pets are taken down and replaced with new ones. If we purged, those old pets would not be available to the users who had gotten. them.

And I appreciate you looking into it <3

Hall of Famer 05-01-2013 12:00 PM

I see, there's gotta be a better solution than having to delete them from database... How about using the adoptables date conditions?

GuardiansWish 05-01-2013 12:05 PM

Last I had checked the conditions weren't working (like limiting how many times you can adopt). But I think the last time I checked was 1.3.2 so it's worth a shot in to.

GuardiansWish 05-06-2013 11:54 AM

Okay. The over night pet did work. However, we do not know how to make a pet appear now and be available through...let's say the 15th and have it disappear on the morning of the 16th. Is there any way to do this?

Hall of Famer 05-07-2013 11:10 PM

You can do this manually as of Mys v1.3.x. In Mys v1.4.0 there will be much more advanced conditionals that checks a date interval or date/month interval.

kristhasirah 05-08-2013 09:09 AM

try moving the adopt to a hidden shop in the database, that way you will still have the adopt, but it wont be adopted, so you just need to edit at the end of the month the shop field adding the name of the hidden shop.

Abronsyth 05-27-2013 06:15 PM

HoF, sorry to bump this thread up, but I have a question that has to do with the topic at hand.

So I'm going through to delete test pets, but how should I go about resetting the adoptable IDs, as it doesn't seem to be doing it automatically. Meaning when I delete pet species #1, for example, then I make a new pet species it is #2 even though I deleted the first #1. This is kind of messing my search system and such up, and it's not tidy so it bugs me XD


Missy Master 05-30-2013 07:20 PM

This is likely something in the database, where you have to reset the AUTO_INCREMENT order in which it starts counting the records.

Which is in phpMyAdmin for me, under that table, under operations - Table Options.

I have to mess with mine all the time and am constantly resetting it hehe.

If you change this be SURE to back it up first! You'll just need to reset the number shown there to 1.

Again, be SURE to back up before you change a thing.

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