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RoconzaArt 01-22-2011 03:18 PM

Why do we keep coming back for more?
$40 for the same game every year?

So why the hell do we keep coming back to Pokemon? It's the same game only with more bell and whistles. Your always going to get gym badges, your always going to beat the elite four and there will always be some evil team getting in your way. Hell all they ever do is add even more Pokemon making the whole premise of the original game damn near impossible. There are 649 Pokemon how the hell are we going to be able to "catch them all" any more with out mass amounts of cheating?

Ah let's not forget the brilliant Pokemon designs that gave us this! that evolves in to THIS!!!!

Oh let's not forget stunning Pokemon names like ugh...Oshawott and erh.. Woobat. (I feel dirty just saying them.)

But why am I so looking forward to Black and white!? What kind of bazaar spell does Nintendo have on us that keeps us spending every damn time. Why do we love it so!? What's the magic?


Originally Posted by roconza
First off I am NOT ranting. I'm asking a question from a realistic view as to why we keep coming back to Pokemon. Even after years of it being the same formula.

The Codfin Keeper 01-22-2011 03:29 PM

Well, for one, it's a new Pokemon game. xD

Two, there are many more new features, such as the in-battle effects exclusive to B/W, and the more 3D feel to the overworld.

Also, the Pokemon were designed by America(ns) so they will be much more different from the past 493. I myself actually have more Pokemon I love in this generation than any other, with number two probably Kanto (Gen 1).

If you don't like a certain Pokemon/its evolution line (I don't see the hate about Klink, Klang, and Klinklang), then just don't get it. There's no need for rants about one little aspect of a game you're even looking forward to.


/badly wants Black

RoconzaArt 01-22-2011 03:46 PM

First off I am NOT ranting. I'm asking a question from a realistic view as to why we keep coming back to Pokemon. Even after years of it being the same formula.

I don't hate or did I say I hated any thing.

Bloodrun 01-22-2011 03:54 PM

If Gamefreak and Nintendo got together and a made a pokemon game for one of the big consoles, and made it multi-player where you can inverse yourself into the story and play with other people live, and have the ability for a bigger world and more in depth realism, it would BLOW UP.
I would garuntee it would be the number one game in the first week of its release.

..But only in meh dreams =(

RoconzaArt 01-22-2011 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Bloodrun (Post 13187)
If Gamefreak and Nintendo got together and a made a pokemon game for one of the big consoles, and made it multi-player where you can inverse yourself into the story and play with other people live, and have the ability for a bigger world and more in depth realism, it would BLOW UP.
I would garuntee it would be the number one game in the first week of its release.

..But only in meh dreams =(

^This would be WIN.

I keep wondering why they don't have or try a MMRPG either. they can easily make money off a MMO look at places like Maple Story. Maple story must rake in the cash and there a free MMO. I would not mind paying a small fee every month to play. I can already picture customizing trainer with items, having rare items and even user perks. Having a Pokemon MMO would be the holy grail of Pokemon fandom.

Bloodrun 01-22-2011 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by RoconzaArt (Post 13188)
^This would be WIN.

I keep wondering why they don't have or try a MMRPG either. they can easily make money off a MMO look at places like Maple Story. Maple story must rake in the cash and there a free MMO. I would not mind paying a small fee every month to play. I can already picture customizing trainer with items, having rare items and even user perks. Having a Pokemon MMO would be the holy grail of Pokemon fandom.

NOOOO... Lol
They need to start getting out of the 2d era, and into the 3d era..

RoconzaArt 01-22-2011 04:09 PM

Why not if I had to choose between playing 40$ for 2D pixel and playing 10$ every month for a full 3D explorable world with real players I choose pay.

You have to understand it's all about the money. They have to justify giving up the profit of the game boy games.

Any way I do agree they need to make up there mind and go fully 3D.

The Codfin Keeper 01-22-2011 04:10 PM

You're not the only one that questions this - many others all over the world do as well. You might not be the one ranting, but others are, who also hate some of the Pokemon. I myself hate them hating those Pokemon.

Bloodrun, epic idea. Just like how I finished Sonic Colors this morning for the DS, then saw the Wii version and thought, why not just release it for the Wii? It has two more exclusive Wisps, is in 3D, is longer, and has more features. A Pokemon game like you suggested would DEFINITELY get instant popularity. The other versions will seem outdated with a game like that existing x3

And I've never really played an MMORPG, unless Runescape is one, and even that I haven't played much. But it sounds interesting.

RoconzaArt 01-22-2011 04:20 PM

I like the idea of the MMO because you can trade, battle and talk to real world people. battling NPCs are ok any all but playing with real people would be awesome.

If they did do a 3D game then it should be like this.

Bloodrun 01-22-2011 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by RoconzaArt (Post 13191)
Why not if I had to choose between playing 40$ for 2D pixel and playing 10$ every month for a full 3D explorable world with real players I choose pay.

You have to understand it's all about the money. They have to justify giving up the profit of the game boy games.

Any way I do agree they need to make up there mind and go fully 3D.

Not all 3D games have a subscription fee. Lol Just to name one of the tops, CoD MW2.

RoconzaArt 01-22-2011 04:35 PM

True I play DOMO online religiously but to be realistic I think Nintendo would. In truth I think they could and would make lots of money as free play. They can always charge for other thing trainer custom features, accessories, clothes and more. They could sell items like rare candy and masterballs. Why stop there they could have feature like x2 exp for four, six and 10 hours items. The possibles for Nintendo is limitless. These cash shop features would also be easy to live with out.

DragonTamerChris 01-22-2011 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by RoconzaArt (Post 13179)
$40 for the same game every year?

So why the hell do we keep coming back to Pokemon? It's the same game only with more bell and whistles. Your always going to get gym badges, your always going to beat the elite four and there will always be some evil team getting in your way. Hell all they ever do is add even more Pokemon making the whole premise of the original game damn near impossible. There are 649 Pokemon how the hell are we going to be able to "catch them all" any more with out mass amounts of cheating?

Ah let's not forget the brilliant Pokemon designs that gave us this! that evolves in to THIS!!!!

Oh let's not forget stunning Pokemon names like ugh...Oshawott and erh.. Woobat. (I feel dirty just saying them.)

But why am I so looking forward to Black and white!? What kind of bazaar spell does Nintendo have on us that keeps us spending every damn time. Why do we love it so!? What's the magic?

Sometimes catching all 649 Pokemon can be a fun goal. =p But, yes it's quite annoying to catch them all when there are so many. x_x

(The gear evolutions were unneeded, it could have just been a 1 stage Pokemon.)

I think the thing that makes people want to buy the new Pokemon games are the new Pokemon are the new features because they always try a few things new in the next generation.

If you don't like the main games, there are always the spin offs. :p (a little off the main topic but lol)

@Bloodrun, an MMORPG would be great for a pokemon game. :D

RoconzaArt 01-22-2011 04:45 PM


Sometimes catching all 649 Pokemon can be a fun goal. =p But, yes it's quite annoying to catch them all when there are so many. x_x
With features like GTS it makes it better but the GTS in D/P was VERY broken. Why have it so you can ask for legendary Pokémon if you can't trade them. Hopefully Pokémon Global Link will be better. That also leaves legendary Pokémon how do you obtain them legally. Whens the last time Nintendo gave away a mew?

DragonTamerChris 01-22-2011 04:48 PM

True, the legendary pokemon. :s

Remember, the event ones don't really count in the pokedex, but still there is a bunch of non event legendaries that are hard to get outside of that region.

PTGigi 01-22-2011 06:12 PM


Sometimes catching all 649 Pokemon can be a fun goal. =p But, yes it's quite annoying to catch them all when there are so many. x_x
I gave up and decided all Eevee Evos, all Legends, and all my favorite Pokemon was an easier goal XD


Whens the last time Nintendo gave away a mew?
I forget exactly but late last year, maybe Nov or Dec? Lvl 5 Mew ftw :veeee:

I love Pokemon, they've added new features, new Pokemon (hate most of them though >.>) but it's an addiction. It's also the "get the all" has been drilled into our minds, we feel compelled to get everything we can. This goes for all major games. My bro buys the newest CoD game every year, we both have also stuck by the Halo series. We even bought Halo Wars which was rather crappy but the point is we still got it. Though for Pokemon I've drawn the line with only the main games (at least one) and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. I refuse to get Ranger, Trozei, Box, Ranch, etc. :meow:

RoconzaArt 01-22-2011 06:51 PM

Does ranch even count as a game? I always thought of it as a 3D version of a Pokemon box. You just toss you Pokemon in and watch them randomly wander around.

PTGigi 01-22-2011 06:53 PM

You can get Phione and a couple other Pokemon from it. You can also play with your Pokemon. It's more like a mini game maybe? O.o

The Codfin Keeper 01-22-2011 07:42 PM

Don't forget Rumble! :veeee:

PTGigi 01-22-2011 07:52 PM

And Snap! :BIGO: (I heard they were remaking that? :ooo:) And they made some Pikachu Adventure game or something :coloness:

RoconzaArt 01-22-2011 08:01 PM

I dunno does it even count as a game? I mean all you do you watch your Pokemon play and mess with them still you get bored. To be frank I don't even get why people play aside for the cute factor. I slap it the same pile as Pokemon channel, Pokemon box, Pokemon Dash and Trozei all pointless games that didn't really go any were.

Oh I DO add Pokémon Colosseum,to that list of fail. It's like Pokémon thinks if they make a REAL 3D Pokémon it will some how ruin every thing. Trust me I played that game and HATED IT! It's like the game boy game minus you know ALL THE THINGS THAT MAKE IT FUN. It's was great idea bad execution.

PTGigi 01-22-2011 08:06 PM

I liked the GC series except for the fact it was hard to trade. Though I never actually beat Colosseum (beat XD though :3) it was a nice change of pace from:

Get starter, go to town, battle gym leader, go to next town, battle gym leader, rise and repeat until you have to take down one of the major 'teams', beat them and go back to gyms, beat all gyms and go to elite 4, beat them and then get bored. Though the story wasn't the greatest and the animations were crappy for some Pokemon it was rather fun in my opinion. I really hated something about it though I forget what that was O.o Limited Pokemon maybe *shrugs*

RoconzaArt 01-22-2011 08:27 PM

Meh, it may walk like a duck, quack like duck but it's not a duck. Colosseum is not a real Pokémon game like the hand held version.

Notice how there are let me see....Pokémon Stadium 1/2, Pokémon Snap, Hay you Pikachu, Colosseum/XD, Pokemon Channel, Pokémon Battle Revolution, Ranch, Three Mystery Dungeon wii ware games, Rumble and Pokepark 3D Pokémon games.

I think we are way over do for a 3D port of the classic

DragonTamerChris 01-22-2011 08:39 PM

Oh I personally like pokemon coliseum and XD gale of darkness a lot.

Pokemon ranch isn't a game, it's a wii ware thing.

@Gigi, no, they aren't remaking snap. o3o

@TCK, Yes, rumble was a great game. Well actually it was a wii ware game but it was one of the few wii ware games to actually be worthy of being called a game.

RoconzaArt 01-22-2011 08:48 PM

Isn't Snap on the the Wii's Virtual Console?

Isn't the Mystery Dungeon wii ware games real games? I don't know much about them and I don't think they released it for the us.

DragonTamerChris 01-22-2011 08:50 PM

No, those games are wii ware games.

I'm wondering when those games are coming out anyways, I'm getting impatient, maybe they aren't coming out in the us? D:

RoconzaArt 01-22-2011 09:01 PM

I'd hate to say it but the odds are slim to none and it looks like none is leaving town. I have to say with a brand new Pokemon game coming out with a load of new Pokemon they may not want to waste time with games that feature gen 4 Pokemon.

Now this maybe just wishful thinking but I was kinda hoping they would make new versions games that include gen 5 Pokemon.

Also I'd find it very sad if Mystery Dungeon gets a 3D port before the classic games do.

IF I want to be REALLY HOPEFUL maybe we can get a gen 3 remake in 3D but that's asking for to much.

PTGigi 01-22-2011 09:23 PM

I think the MD games won't get a revamp for awhile. PMD3 came out right after DPP and right before HGSS (if I recall correctly) so right in the middle of the 3D overhaul but it's graphics never changed. Maybe because techinically it was the third in the Darkness/Time set but IDK. The graphics haven't changed much, I only remember Grovyle getting a color change being the only sprite change :coloness:

@Roconza-Snap might be, I recall they made a Wii version or something :coloness:

RoconzaArt 01-22-2011 09:36 PM

I'm taking about the Mystery Dungeon wii ware games that were never released for the Us. The one that uses the Pokemon Ranch models just like Rumble.

PTGigi 01-22-2011 10:01 PM

OH *facepalm* Those O.o I never got those cuz I never got a Wii (and don't plan on it) X3 Lol I completely forget they existed XD

RoconzaArt 01-22-2011 10:06 PM

I never release them in English any way.

Kyris 01-23-2011 07:16 AM

Why do we keep coming back?

Simple really. We gotta catch them all!

Jokes aside, it's actually quite true, I think. There's that little piece of our souls that obsesses about collecting stuff. You know, the you that collects seashells, stamps, maybe press flowers. Purchasing DVD box sets and lining 'em up in your living room. Making your jigsaw puzzles... Getting those comics where that one volume is horrendous but you just have to complete your collection.

... or I could just be talking about me XD

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