Mysidia Adoptables Support Forum

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MirandaLK 07-28-2010 02:12 PM

Need help with MySQL Database
I don't understand any of this and my moderator won't help me cos he doesn't know either -_-

someone please help me :( What do I do?

I don't know what goes where..


CREATE TABLE adopts_content (page varchar(20), title varchar(75), date varchar(15), content varchar(15000), level varchar(50));
INSERT INTO adopts_content (page, title, date, content, level) VALUES ('index', 'This is the index page', 'Jan-10-1999', 'This is a sample article. All of this text you can change in the script admin control panel.','');
INSERT INTO adopts_content (page, title, date, content, level) VALUES ('tos', 'This is the Terms of Service Page', 'Jan-10-1999', 'Put your terms of service here. All of this text you can change in the script admin control panel.','');

CREATE TABLE adopts_settings (name varchar(20), value varchar(350));
INSERT INTO adopts_settings (name, value) VALUES ('themeurl', 'templates/default/template.html');
INSERT INTO adopts_settings (name, value) VALUES ('browsertitle', 'This is the site title as pulled from the DB');
INSERT INTO adopts_settings (name, value) VALUES ('sitename', 'Your site name goes here.');
INSERT INTO adopts_settings (name, value) VALUES ('admincontact', '');
INSERT INTO adopts_settings (name, value) VALUES ('slogan', 'Test Slogan');
INSERT INTO adopts_settings (name, value) VALUES ('gdimages', 'yes');
INSERT INTO adopts_settings (name, value) VALUES ('usealtbbcode', 'yes');
INSERT INTO adopts_settings (name, value) VALUES ('systememail', '');

CREATE TABLE adopts_users (uid INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, username varchar(20) UNIQUE, password varchar(100), email varchar(60), usergroup INT, newmessagenotify varchar(10), membersince varchar(20), isbanned INT, website varchar(80), profilepic varchar(80), aim varchar(80), yahoo varchar(80), msn varchar(80));

CREATE TABLE adopts_groups (gid INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, groupname varchar(20) UNIQUE, canadopt varchar(10), canpm varchar(10), cancp varchar(10), canmanageadopts varchar(10), canmanagecontent varchar(10), canmanageads varchar(10), canmanagesettings varchar(10), canmanageusers varchar(10));
INSERT INTO adopts_groups VALUES ('', 'rootadmins', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes');
INSERT INTO adopts_groups VALUES ('', 'admins', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes');
INSERT INTO adopts_groups VALUES ('', 'registered', 'yes', 'yes', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no');
INSERT INTO adopts_groups VALUES ('', 'artists', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'no', 'no', 'no');

CREATE TABLE adopts_owned_adoptables (aid INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, type varchar(40), name varchar(40), owner varchar(40), currentlevel INT, totalclicks INT, code INT, imageurl varchar(120), usealternates varchar(10), tradestatus varchar(15), isfrozen varchar(10));

CREATE TABLE adopts_adoptables (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, type varchar(40), description varchar(300), eggimage varchar(120), whenisavail varchar(50), promocode varchar(50), freqcond varchar(50), number INT, datecond varchar(50), date varchar(20), adoptscond varchar(20), moreless varchar(20), morelessnum INT, levelgrle varchar(25), grlelevel INT, alternates varchar(10), altoutlevel INT, altchance INT);

CREATE TABLE adopts_levels (adoptiename varchar(50), thisislevel INT, requiredclicks INT, primaryimage varchar(120), alternateimage varchar(120), rewarduser varchar(10), promocode varchar(25));

CREATE TABLE adopts_vote_voters (date varchar(30), username varchar(50), ip varchar(50), adoptableid int(10));

CREATE TABLE adopts_filesmap (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, serverpath varchar(150), wwwpath varchar(200), friendlyname varchar(50));

CREATE TABLE adopts_acp_hooks (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, linktext varchar(150), linkurl varchar(200), pluginname varchar(50), pluginstatus INT);

CREATE TABLE adopts_themes (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, themename varchar(150), themeurl varchar(200));
INSERT INTO adopts_themes VALUES ('', 'Default', 'templates/default/template.html');

CREATE TABLE adopts_links (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, linktext varchar(150), linkurl varchar(200));
INSERT INTO adopts_links VALUES ('', 'Home', 'index.php');
INSERT INTO adopts_links VALUES ('', 'Adopt', 'adopt.php');
INSERT INTO adopts_links VALUES ('', 'My Adopts', 'myadopts.php');
INSERT INTO adopts_links VALUES ('', 'My Account', 'account.php');
INSERT INTO adopts_links VALUES ('', 'Message Center', 'messages.php');
INSERT INTO adopts_links VALUES ('', 'Top 10', 'stats.php');

CREATE TABLE adopts_ads (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, adname varchar(50), text varchar(1650), page varchar(50), impressions INT, actualimpressions INT, date varchar(50), status varchar(15), user varchar(45), extra varchar(100));

CREATE TABLE adopts_messages (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, fromuser varchar(50), touser varchar(1650), status varchar(20), datesent varchar(25), messagetitle varchar(100), messagetext varchar(2500));

CREATE TABLE adopts_passwordresets (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, username varchar(20), email varchar(50), code varchar(70), ip varchar(30), date varchar(20));

BMR777 07-28-2010 03:02 PM

RE: Need help with MySQL Database
The SQL statements will be automatically added to your database when you run the installer for the script. Wherever you uploaded the script go to the /install directory, so if you installed at then go to to run the installer. :)

MirandaLK 07-28-2010 05:09 PM

RE: Need help with MySQL Database
My installer refuses to work so I spent hours adding all the tables in manually and it still won't work, please help :(

PokePets 07-29-2010 03:05 AM

RE: Need help with MySQL Database
It's yoursite/adoptables/install/index.php ;)

MirandaLK 07-29-2010 05:53 AM

RE: Need help with MySQL Database
I do that, it doesn't let me complete the installation cos it keeps coming up with "Error connecting to MySQL" I've filled in so many variations trying to get it to work but it won't :/

PokePets 07-29-2010 05:58 AM

RE: Need help with MySQL Database
Go then to an other host ;), 000webhost is nice.

MirandaLK 07-29-2010 07:07 AM

RE: Need help with MySQL Database
but I have a paid server on GoDaddy o.o I'm still very new to all of this @~@;

PokePets 07-29-2010 07:50 AM

RE: Need help with MySQL Database
Oops :S, sorry i can't help you more.

MirandaLK 07-29-2010 10:28 AM

RE: Need help with MySQL Database
it's ok

Tequila 07-29-2010 11:50 AM

RE: Need help with MySQL Database
Is your database name and password correct? Make your your host settings are correct as well.

Did you create a database with the MySQL wizard?

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