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Ruinily 06-13-2013 10:33 PM

Search engine description edit?
I hope this isnt spamming but I think it might be useful for others too. ^_^' Is there any way to edit the search engine description? Its the typing that pops up under the site name link in stuff like google searches for anyone that doesnt know. I tried a meta tags;

<head><meta name='description' content='This is a every growing fantasy world of strange creatures you can collect and grow.'><meta charset='UTF-8'></head>

But it didnt work... I tried waiting for a while in case it hadnt picked it up, but it never changed... its saying,

'Felkyo Creatures‎
Entry Felkyo Shop Portals Stalls Library Message board Map Forum Guide. Member Login: Username: Password: Don't have an account? Register Free'

Which is really annoying because its basically advertising I have a forum to spammers... Its copying whatevers right at the top of the page, I checked on other Mysidia sites too. I tried adding text next to my header bar, that didnt show up either, so maybe I'm trying in the wrong places? I dont want to have to put that meta header at the top of every single page, unless I have to, so can anyone help? ^_^

Hall of Famer 06-16-2013 12:22 PM

umm it may have something to do with your browser or html, I highly doubt the script does anything to inhibit this feature. But if it does, I will be sure to fix it.

Ruinily 06-16-2013 01:33 PM

Nope just checked it on four of my five commonly used browsers, and on two search engines, though everyone uses google so I'd prefer it work on there... Their all the same. :/

Its in the source code, but somehow its still skipping it. D: This is a shortened version missing some bits of css out.

<title>Felkyo Creatures</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="templates/nebula/media/nebula.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/menu.css" type="text/css" />
<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="media/dropdown_ie.css" />

<div id="wrapper">
<table cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3">
<tr><td colspan="2" id="image"><span><a href="index.php"></a></span></td></tr>
<tr><th colspan="2" background="" style="background-repeat:repeat-x;"><html>

<head><meta name='description' content='This is an ever growing fantasy world of strange creatures you can collect and grow.'><meta charset='UTF-8'></head>
<a href="/index.php">Entry</a>
<a href="/felkyo.php">Felkyo Shop</a>
<a href="/pages.php?page=portals">Portals</a>
<a href="/pages.php?page=shopsandstalls">Stalls</a>
<a href="/pages.php?page=library">Library</a>
<a href="/messageboard.php">Message board</a>
<a href="">Map</a>
<a href="/Loreuna/index.php">Forum</a>
<a href="/Loreuna/showthread.php?tid=3&pid=4">Guide</a>
<tr><td id="menu" border="1px">'

And it goes on into the menu which also pops up a little in the SEO description. :/ Its in front of the header menu which still comes up first... though I actually have it twice on the page since I tried putting it everywhere lol.

'</td><td id="content">
<h1>Felkyo Entrance</h1>
<p><head><meta name='description' content='This is an ever growing fantasy world of strange creatures you can collect and grow.'></head>'

Should it be somewhere else? Or have I missed something? :o

Tequila 06-16-2013 06:23 PM

The meta data should be in the header... Hm. I wonder... Did you use one of the meta generators? If not, use this one: I've not had any problems with it.

Ruinily 06-16-2013 08:20 PM

Um, I got this,

'<META NAME='keywords' CONTENT='Felkyo, creatures, virtual pets, fantasy, Loreuna, '>
<META NAME='description' CONTENT=' A fantasy virtual pet click site where you can collect and raise your own creatures while exploring an ever growing world. '>

But its still not working... is there any chance you could give me the meta coding you're using and tell me exactly where you put it to see if it'll work on mine? :o

Tequila 06-17-2013 12:38 AM

You're showing two <head></head> sections. ;3 Add it in to the one above <body> and delete the second grouping of it, then let me know how it works. ;3

Ruinily 06-17-2013 08:44 PM

Um, I hate to sound noobish, but I cant find where I go to put things into that first header. >.<' You can see I tried everywhere I could find from the tops of various pages and the index content in the database to the template files... I've probably missed the most obvious place havent I? Exactly which file is it in? ^_^'

Tequila 06-17-2013 08:55 PM

It should be in the header.tpl file. ;3

Ruinily 06-17-2013 10:08 PM

<title>Felkyo Creatures</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="templates/nebula/media/nebula.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/menu.css" type="text/css" />
<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="media/dropdown_ie.css" />
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Felkyo, creatures, virtual pets, fantasy, Loreuna, ">
<META NAME="description" CONTENT=" A fantasy virtual pet click site where you can collect and raise your own creatures while exploring an ever growing world. ">

Um, still not working lol... maybe my site just doesnt ike google? >.>

Tequila 06-18-2013 07:14 AM

... I don't know what to do then. I'll look at the code and see what it could be, unless you try adding it to the individual php pages...

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