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squiggler 02-01-2014 05:08 AM

Quest- Explore System (Open Source) *Now with iframe Tutorial*
Since it seems to be requested a lot, check this out! This site says it's just a text-based system, but you can add videos, photos, and sound. It also has a map system that responds to your actions. (Notice how you don't see the other two squares until you go to them!)

Tutorial. Publishing/releasing your game.

There is currently no official way to integrate it into your website. From the developer:

There's no way of integrating a game into a website yet, but you can link to the "Play online" feature when you upload a game to I'll be adding a way of embedding games in other websites at some point, but in the meantime you could probably do it via an <IFRAME> tag.
(Quick tutorial on iframes below in 4th post.)

(It's under this license (noted on this page under 'and you're free'), so I'm hoping this could be used to develop Mys further. It's a really cool script. Sorry if this is the wrong forum, I just figured it was a tip so...?)

Kyttias 02-01-2014 05:21 AM

Woah, that's pretty cool. (Once I saw a similar thing and it allowed users to continue the story but I don't want to moderate something that complex, yeesh.)

I'll look into it. ouo~ Thanks a bunch! :meow:

Ah, here's text adventure system written in PHP already:

It might make a nice alternative. There's actually probably quite a few of these around...

squiggler 02-01-2014 01:48 PM

Yeah. I like this one because the map gets revealed as you go (though you can turn it off) and you can zoom in or out of the map, also you can easily hide promo codes in the game. (You can't prevent people from posting it elsewhere, but y'know.) And then there's the easy links in case you don't like typing and the pictures and everything.

squiggler 02-05-2014 01:07 AM

How to use iFrame to integrate it into a website:
Find the page you want to put it on. Find the URL of the game you want. Use this code:
<iframe src="URL HERE" width="IN PIXELS" height="IN PIXELS">
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
The optional code will display if their browser does not support iframes. You can add a link here.
Note: you must start the URL with http:// or it won't work.
Note 2: With Quest's system, if the box isn't big enough, it sometimes won't display right.

Example: Go here and enter the below code.
I added the text you see if it doesn't support iframes above in case you wanted to check it out.

HTML Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p>Your browser does not support iframes. Go <a href "" >here</a> to play this game on Quest.</p>

<iframe src="" width="700" height="700">
  <p>Your browser does not support iframes. Go <a href "" >here</a> to play this game on Quest.</p>


Ittermat 07-23-2020 12:07 PM

I cant seem to get the iframe to appear on my mysida pages... I've made two type to try.. a PHP page and a content/html page... however when I use this code (or any iframe code) All I get is a blank box. The game will not appear.

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