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Kyttias 12-12-2014 11:47 PM

So... How to Disable the Auto-Ban?
...I accidentally managed to get my admin account banned by reloading the confirm page for pounding an adoptable.

For the curious, I was being dumb, and was trying to view the message again while I edited what was being displayed. I was tired of seeing "at a cost of 0", so I had to change a few things to get the message to stop displaying.

I regained access to my admin panel by setting my usergroup from 5 back to 1 in the users table in the database, then had to change all the 'no's back to 'yes's in the users_status table in the database. Anything else I should know about?

How do I go about preventing this from happening to my users, at all, ever? Similar things can apparently happen with promo codes and while breeding. Would it be too much to ask that users get an error message, rather than an auto-ban? Things can always happen on accident (especially on slow/interrupted internet connections, where sometimes a page refresh is required to see anything at all). I want full control of when and where someone gets banned. I never want anyone banned without my knowledge or consent. I wouldn't mind receiving a PM alert with the user's activity, however.

For now I can comment out banuser($mysidia->user->username); in class_pound.php, the two locations in shows up in class_breedingvalidator.php and $ban = banuser($mysidia->user->username); in class_promocode.php.

But how can I go about creating a system that will alert me with a PM containing the username and action they were attempting to perform? Is there any immediate danger in letting users continue to do foolish things or will it automatically interrupt them and prevent the action from going through? Of course I don't want the action to go through, I just don't want them to be banned for it.

Hall of Famer 12-15-2014 11:17 AM

Well, the auto-ban system is here for a reason. Users can cheat with inspect element, which allows them to modify values in checkbox, dropdown list or hidden fields. For instance, by manipulating the breeding form with inspect element, a user may be able to breed his/her own adoptables with other user's, which should not be allowed. When this happens, the user is penalized with an auto-ban. Similarly, if you try to pound an owned adoptable that does not belong to you, you will be auto-banned too.

There definitely is a way to disable this, and it seems to me that you have found this. Be careful with this action though.

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