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Pear 03-02-2014 12:28 PM

[Unsolved] View Public Trade Offers not working. :s
I have been informed by one of my members that when they go on the public trade offers page, this comes up:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'AdoptNotfoundException' with message 'Adoptable 9 does not exist...' in /home/capifore/public_html/classes/class_adoptable.php:26 Stack trace: #0 /home/capifore/public_html/classes/class_tradehelper.php(299): Adoptable->__construct(9) #1 /home/capifore/public_html/view/tradeview.php(120): TradeHelper->getAdoptList(Object(Resource\Collection\ArrayList)) #2 /home/capifore/public_html/classes/class_frontcontroller.php(100): TradeView->publics() #3 /home/capifore/public_html/index.php(74): FrontController->render() #4 /home/capifore/public_html/index.php(78): IndexController::main() #5 {main} thrown in /home/capifore/public_html/classes/class_adoptable.php on line 26
It is also appearing for me. Is there a way I could fix this? c:

Hall of Famer 03-02-2014 01:42 PM

umm was that adoptable deleted in your database?

Pear 03-03-2014 10:56 AM

No, it exists, except I did change it to the alt form. (Also when I edit pets, it comes up with a relatively same message. Is there a way I can edit the pets without this happening?) c:

IntoRain 03-03-2014 11:10 AM

From the control panel no, that message appears because something is wrong with that Adoptable 9. If it can't find it, it will throw a fatal error. Go to your database directly to make edits, search for that adoptable and check what's wrong with it. If you deleted an adoptable, maybe there are traces of it still in tables like owned_adoptables, adoptables_conditions, levels, etc

Pear 03-03-2014 01:27 PM

The adoptable still exists, I just changed it from normal to the alt version. c:

IntoRain 03-03-2014 02:25 PM

The error means it tried to create an adoptable with the ID 9 from the database and it didn't exist. It doesn't mean necessarily you removed it, changing it might have caused it as well (sorry, I don't understand what you meant with changing it to the alt version). The error is thrown in line 26 of class_adoptable.php which has this:

PHP Code:

$whereClause = (is_numeric($adoptinfo))?"id ='{$adoptinfo}'":"type ='{$adoptinfo}'";
$row $mysidia->db->select("adoptables", array(), $whereClause)->fetchObject();
is_object($row)) throw new AdoptNotfoundException("Adoptable {$adoptinfo} does not exist...");[/B

It's when it recieves an ID and tries to fetch an object from the database.

Can you go to your database, table adoptables, and check what's up with the adoptable with an aid of 9?

Pear 03-03-2014 06:14 PM

I don't quite understand what you are saying. c: I am in my database, but I don't know what you mean by table adoptables? c:

IntoRain 03-03-2014 06:53 PM

Sorry. Your database should have various tables, all start with the same prefix you chose when installing, for example adopts_. So a table adoptables would be adopts_adoptables. If you are using phpMyAdmin, after clicking on your database a list of all these tables would appear on the left side (for example - look at the left side, ignore the other stuff I used this image somewhere else)

Pear 03-04-2014 06:23 PM

Ah! I found it. Oddly enough, it doesn't exist in the database, but it's still on my site? x) But then again, neither do the other 100+. (Except a random 19 adoptables?)

(Also thank you for helping me! I really appreciate it. c: I'd be completely hopeless without it..haha c:)

So now that I've found adopts_adoptables, what do I do now? c:

IntoRain 03-09-2014 08:18 PM

(I'm really sorry, I completely forgot about this thread x.x' )

Do you mean the adoptable with ID of 9 doesn't exist in the table?

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