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BMR777 03-03-2012 09:53 PM

Free MyBB Forum Hosting @
Hello All,

I'm working on a new website, FreeMyBB, which lets you make a free MyBB forum. All of the forums we host come with tons of pre-installed themes and plugins for you to use. Plus, you can edit your forum's CSS to match your Mysidia website. :)

We also offer free backups at any time and the ability to use your own domain name for FREE.

Check out FreeMyBB Free Forum Hosting!

Hall of Famer 03-05-2012 12:42 AM

Sounds interesting, but arent you busy working on the new MA now? Are you sure you can handle two websites at the same time?

Corsair 03-05-2012 01:00 PM

I could not find a option for domain names.

BMR777 03-05-2012 07:35 PM

Corsair, you need to PM me on the FreeMyBB forums if you want to use your own domain. I have to set it up for you to use it. :)

I am working on the new MyAdopts, but the code for FreeMyBB was mostly finished so I figured before starting on the new MyAdopts I would finish the code for FreeMyBB. :)

Hall of Famer 03-06-2012 12:01 AM

I see, sounds good to me. Actually I plan to make an official MyBB integration script for Mys and the forum engine, hopefully will turn out nicely.

BMR777 03-06-2012 06:47 PM

Very cool! One of my plans for FreeMyBB was to have a mechanism where when a user registers for an adoptables site, their info can automatically create an account on a forum, allowing a site to have auto-registrations on a forum.

Hall of Famer 03-06-2012 06:52 PM

Well this is fairly easy, all you need to do is to insert a row into the forum database user table whenever a user registers on the adoptables site. Of course it can get a bit tricky, since MyBB uses this kind of salt and loginkey system, but I've successfully decoded MyBB's way of generating codes so its all said and done.

The problem is with existing users migrating from the site to forum, or the other way around. I have yet to find a way to accomplish this, but gotta say it is much easier to achieve with your old md5 password encryption system. I changed it to a combination of Sha1 and Sha512 after a user called Noseatback criticized a lack of security in this script. Now you see the issue here, theres no way to decrypt from Sha1 or Sha512 and then encrypt with md5. MyBB also uses md5, though a bit improved with the usage of salt.

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