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Micolai 06-07-2020 09:38 AM

Having issue with private message limit
I have an automatic private message system that I got from a tutorial that messages new users. Problem is, I've been testing it because I have a tutorial written out in it and it acts like private messages have character limits...but it has no warning you're reaching character limit and doesn't reject the message being sent. Instead, it sends the messages and just cuts it where it wants to. I'm about to test and see if sending regular pms does this too, but I bet it does.

kristhasirah 06-07-2020 04:52 PM

the easy way is to increase the varchar limit/value(have no idea how is called in english mine is in spanish longitud/valores)
the adopt_messages database have a limit of 2500 characters.
the other way is to create your tutorial in another page and then display it using a iframe
sorry i can't be of more help

RestlessThoughts 06-07-2020 08:15 PM

Basically like kristhasirah said, increase the limits in the database. From cPanel go into phpMyAdmin, click your site database, click the adopts_messages table, then "Structure" from the tab beside "Browse" above your messages table.

Then edit the messagetype to be a text column. That should let you type pretty much as much text into a PM as you want.

Micolai 06-07-2020 11:13 PM

Thank you guys! :D

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