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Linkin-Dreamer 09-06-2011 06:44 PM

The Calinmu Project
You bend across the table, turning dials on the radio. A few bursts of static cough out of it, but even static is dying these days. You are waiting, and listening, and so, so frightened that even if the worst happens, you won't be able to call out.

Because there will be no-one sane to call out to.

The door makes a little banging noise and you jump, automatically reaching for the rake lay haphazardly on the floor. Your heart is beating like crazy, like the hooves of a race-track horse thumping against the soil. After a moment you realise that the wind is rattling the door, and you push a crate by it to stop it from rattling.

You give a shaky sigh. You're not afraid of the rattling door, but what might be doing the rattling. You've come to call them the Grey People, but that's not what they're officially called - they're called quarantine breakers, and millions of Grey's are breaking quarantine. Because they don't know any different. The Gray's have a form of rabies, but instead of mouth-foaming, they get an irresistible urge to kill.

To kill you.

Locked inside an old World War Two bunker, you're safe and well fed. You touch the dial again, and a husky burst of static comes through. You hear a voice underlaid with so much static it is incoherent, and you feverishly fiddle with the controls.

"-log 1.2.4, co-ordinates 4085.857, mach 398." You grab a pen in your grubby fingers and listen, and write.

"We can see the star of Calinmu growing ever closer. It seems so close we can touch the glittering ball with it's four planets. Although we have been colonised upon Calinmu II for four years, in a days time we will begin looking. Looking for a cure.

"Firoza is the planet closest - Volcanic activity troubles the planets surface causing rivers, lakes, and seas of lava - the crust cracking, spider-webbing away from a crater nearly five kilometres deep and nearly a thousand kilometres wide, like a huge dent caused by a massive fist. Gravity is a fifth higher than Earth, but the air pressure is lower. We've found signs of high CO2 on this planet, caused by volcanic activity, twenty times higher than the lethal dose. But I have not lost hope. Firoza is a poisonous planet. But sometimes the best poisons make the best cures.

"Calinmu II is where we plan to land. Closest to Earth in temprature, size, gravity, and air pressure, our nostalgia draws us there. Maybe this is where we will find a cure. We don't know. But we will only call this place home - for now.

"Refrakta is the planet of crystal and ice. The possibilties for this cold planet is endless, the animals here rich and vibrant as those of a rainforest. Twitters of birds and growls of predators haunt this beautiful ball, and the crystals send a million rainbows into the atmosphere, causing the clouds to be cast into the spectrum with a burst of colour. Rainforests have produced some of the best cures too - We have high hopes for Refrakta, too..

"And finally, IV winds. A barren planet. Lighter gravity than earth, and signs of a dry atmosphere. A desert planet. We've found signs of salt water too. A huge oasis, maybe? Either way, I've seen barren mothers grow children. We might find diamonds in the rust. Maybe IV will grow us a cure.

"Three planets. One hope - to cure the Grey people.

"To cure the human race."

The log ends there, and instantly, you decided.

You are going to join the Calinmu Project. You aren't going to hide from the Grey People. You're going to cure them.

We're not finished the Calinmu Project yet x3 We plan to open by October 1st.

The basic story is Sol Earth has been struck by a plague. You have been assigned to the Zoology Department as a junior researcher, and your job is to capture animals and bring them back to the lab, where they will be used to develop a cure.

Sol Earth is unable to produce a cure itself - it's atmosphere and eco-system is too broken by logging and the use of fossil fuels. So scientists have set up a colony on Calinmu II, where there are four habitable (But certainly not un-dangerous) planets await them.

We're really excited :D

Oh! You probably want adoptable sneaks.

Well OK then.

This is a size guide made by Typical. It contains our species to date.

You can probably see the huge gap in styles. We're not reforming to one single style because we'd prefer variety in our adoptables.

I'm uncertain of the names, but the creators go C (Typical), L (Myself), M (Murasaki), M, C, C, L, L, M.

We're using Mysidia V1.2.3. We don't plan to upgrade any further until V1.3.0

Our planets look like this -

Firoza -
[ As the portal swallows you up, you feel a variaty of feelings. Your skin tingles, then feels like it is crisping up with heat. You feel like you've drunk champagne, then a drink far too hot for your stomach to cope. You feel like you've been stretched, and for a moment, you feel like you're going to break in half. Then, with a sickening snap, you condense, the feeling in your stomach and on your skin dissapates, and you fall out of the other side

As the horrible feeling subsides, you take in the scene.

The ceiling is low, and you feel a little heavier than normal. The air feels thin, like up near the top of a mountain. The heat is dark and uncomfortably hot. As you look out of the window, you realise why. The earth is cracked and blistered, and long streams of bubbling lava seeps out of the gap. The atmosphere is tinted red and orange, and huge streams of hot, deadly toxic gas curls into the sky. It is night - the only light is the hot glow of the lava and the three small moons, almost hidden by the clouds of gas.]

Refrakta -
[ The portal engulfs you in a fountain of purple-tinted light. Unlike the orange portal's nauseating effects, this one leaves you feeling a sense of calm and solidity; as light rushes past you and starts to clear you have a firm feeling of having your feet on the ground, and your senses seem heightened and generally more aware. You take a few moments to observe the room in which you have arrived. It is some kind of glass-walled lab filled with birdcages-- the walls and roof are clear like a greenhouse, allowing you to see the beautiful landscape beyond. The land on this planet seems to made of a purple crystally substance, for it is reflective like mirrors and tinted rich violet, with crystal-white streams cutting through it at places like knives. The sky is a very pale blue; the clouds are tinted with beautiful pastel rainbow colours due to the light being refracted through the crystal ground and reflected into the sky.

The silvery cages dotted about the room along with a few computers are filled with brightly-coloured hummingbird-like creatures being tended by lab assistants. In one corner of the room, there is a small blue multi-tailed creature curled up in a basket originally designed for dogs. In one corner of the clear, brightly-lit lab is a small blue neon sign on top of a noticeboard; it reads 'Welcome to Refrakta'. ]

IV winds -
[ You feel like you are floating. Instantly begin to feel light-headed and dizzy - and then you realise the strange sensation of falling. You feel energy pulse through your veins, a rush of adrenaline. But them a serine calmness envelops you, cutting you away from your emotions, like scissors through a wire. Time seems to have been paused, and you hang there, think and feeling nothing. The world stops spinning, and you blink against the sunlight.

On impulse, you look down, and find that you are suspended in the air above a pool of clear green-tinted water. You cautiously take a step, and are immediately unbalanced. But you do not topple. It seems the gravity is thinner on this planet, and you are able to take longer and higher steps. You quicken your pace, quickly descending to the bank.

The first thing you notice is the sky. Like the water, it has a teal hue, and the sunlight is stained green. You follow the light down to the sand, and find it is the usual colour, although the colour is closer to honey yellow than earth sand.

You look around. The desert is open, and besides the haze of the heat, you can see for miles around. ]

Erm, that's all I have to say :3 I'm sorry, I waffle on a bit.

ChibiMaestro 09-07-2011 10:47 AM

I love the Refrakta :3

I'm sorry but I'm going to have to stalk this thread, because I want to be one of the first to register :3

Nemesis 09-07-2011 12:14 PM

I'll be honest, to long for me to read. However having skimmed through it looks like it will be awesome and I do like the adopts. Having a story really does help the site. Best of Luck

Linkin-Dreamer 09-07-2011 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by ChibiKawaii (Post 18528)
I love the Refrakta :3

I'm sorry but I'm going to have to stalk this thread, because I want to be one of the first to register :3

You'll want to stalk Murasaki then. She's got some really beautiful pixel work <3

Thanks Chibi :D


Originally Posted by Nemesis (Post 18529)
I'll be honest, to long for me to read. However having skimmed through it looks like it will be awesome and I do like the adopts. Having a story really does help the site. Best of Luck

Thanks Nemesis ^^; I do tend to waffle on a bit.

Linkin-Dreamer 09-22-2011 04:16 PM

We have a nice, shiny new DA group 8D There's some WIP stuff, concept art and all that shebang over there :3

Typical 09-26-2011 01:06 PM

And my stuff is the fail stuff because I'm the beginner pixeller who can't pixel. Woot woot.

Tequila 09-26-2011 01:18 PM

Looks interesting. :3 Mind if I ask to Affiliate your dA Group with the Official MysAdopts group? I'll send the info now, just in case. :3

Linkin-Dreamer 09-27-2011 04:15 PM

Sure! /late reply

Typical 09-28-2011 10:20 AM

Linkin had the idea of making the explore into a flash...

Linkin-Dreamer 09-29-2011 03:47 PM

Well yeah x3

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