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ipengu 08-21-2011 01:54 AM

IP Tracking/Account Limiter

So this was the first mod I ever did to this script, simply because I forseen possible abuse (besides fact the donate script is 100% bugged and should be fixed/removed)


To start you need to open phpmyadmin or whatever you use to manage your MySQL database.
Add a new column to YOURPREFIXHERE_users name the column "ip" (Obviously not the " 's only the word ip)

Open: register.php
Find: (Around line 25)
PHP Code:

$hidden $_POST["hidden"]; 

Add After:
PHP Code:


Find: (Around line 57-66)
PHP Code:

    //Next check that the username does not already exist...

$flag 0;
$query "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."users WHERE username = '$username'";
$result = @runquery($query);
$num = @mysql_numrows($result);

$num 0){
$flag 1;

Add After:
PHP Code:

    //Let's deny them if they already have an account with their current IP - BETA
$ipflag 0;
$ipquery "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."users WHERE ip = '$ip'";
$ipresult = @runquery($ipquery);
$ipnum = @mysql_numrows($ipresult);

$ipnum 0){
$ipflag 1;

Find: (Around line 112-116)
PHP Code:

    else if($flag 0){

//Username already exists
$article_title "Your username already exists";
$article_content $userexists;    


Add After:
PHP Code:

    else if($ipflag 0){

//ip already exists
$article_title "You already have an account";
$article_content $ipexists;    


Find: (Around line 140) NOTE: If you've already done edits to the registration this may not be what you find, that's alright just add , '$ip' to the end of whatever you have as since you just made the ip column it should be the last.
PHP Code:

runquery("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."users VALUES ('', '$username', '$pass1','$email','3','1', '$date', '0', '0' ,'0','0','','','','','', '{$GLOBALS['settings']['startmoney']}','','','$avatar', '', '', '', '0', 'Unknown', '')"); 

Replace with:
PHP Code:

runquery("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."users VALUES ('', '$username', '$pass1','$email','3','1', '$date', '0', '0' ,'0','0','','','','','', '{$GLOBALS['settings']['startmoney']}','','','$avatar', '', '', '', '0', 'Unknown', '', '$ip')"); 

Close + Save register.php

Open: admin.php
Find: (Around line 1570)
PHP Code:

<td width='60'><strong>Usergroup:</strong></td

Add After:
PHP Code:

<td width='60'><strong>IP:</strong></td

Find: (Around line 1611)
PHP Code:


Add After:
PHP Code:


Find: (Around line 1619)
PHP Code:


Add After:
PHP Code:


Close + Save admin.php

Open: login.php
Find: (Around line 20, still no idea why I did this but eh it's there.)
PHP Code:

$password $_POST["password"]; 

Add After:
PHP Code:


Find:(Around line 68)
PHP Code:


Add After:
PHP Code:


Find: (Around line 71 ITS RIGHT AFTER THE LAST EDIT)
PHP Code:


Add After:
PHP Code:

if ($lip == ""){
mysql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."users SET ip='".$ip."' WHERE ip=''");  

Close + Save login.php

Open: lang/lang.php
Find: (Around line 18)
PHP Code:

$userexists "We're sorry, but the username you have selected already exists.  Please <a href='register.php'>go back</a> and choose another username."

Add After:
PHP Code:

$ipexists "We're sorry, but you're only allowed one account, our records show you already have an account.  Please <a href='login.php'>login here</a>."

Close + Save lang/lang.php

Chibi_Chicken 08-21-2011 10:25 AM

This is very nice, their isn't a lot of tracking (in this script) to tell if any users are trying to break the system.

Hall of Famer 08-21-2011 12:26 PM

This looks like a real awesome mod, thanks for posting it.

Teshia 08-21-2011 03:58 PM

That's brilliant. Is there a way to make it so a certain IP can only have, say 5 accounts instead of one? Some of my users share IPs with their family.

Also, for the part that says "You already have an account" maybe have a link to the 'forgot password' page.

ipengu 08-21-2011 10:59 PM

I've been testing these on low member servers, but I imagine this would have to be re-adapted for a high member volume website, at least a one pass through the database, check for multiple IP's if they exist email user a warning to pick an account to keep (freeze both/all accounts linked to same ip so they cant do sudden transfers and such)

ipengu 08-21-2011 11:04 PM

Also I'm sure its possible by messing with perhaps the ipflag section of register.php

Not 100% positive as I made this.... almost a month or so ago, I was surprised to remember all my edits.

kratosvr 10-19-2011 09:54 PM

I do not understand this:

To start you need to open phpmyadmin or whatever you use to manage your MySQL database.
Add a new column to YOURPREFIXHERE_users name the column "ip"
What is column ip ? i need help , i no know the columns


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