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5404 01-17-2013 02:29 PM

Newly installed site and problem with Admin Control Panel
Today I started testing Mysidia Adoptables 1.3.2 on my site on free hosting... And...
I installed it about 5 times*. I did some stupid mistakes. But then I installed script (I hoped) properly but AdminCP didn't work...
And I installed again - looking at this tutorial carefully...

But again AdminCP isn't working.
/admincp/ looks normal and wants me to log in. Then it redirects to /admincp/index - which don't exist.
When I manually change url to /admincp/index.php or any other .php file from /admincp I get blank site. (Only with hosting footer and (blocked for me) ads.)

I just don't know what went wrong. x.x
I don't know php (only basis) so I can't find where's the problem.
Any ideas what I should check/change/add etc.? .-.

*Yes, each time I deleted tables from database or used different prefixes. And I deleted all files from site directory and copied them from .zip again.

Nemesis 01-18-2013 09:10 PM

Hosts fault? try another? I know there are some broken links in the admin Cpanel. other than that not sure what went wrong but something sure is.

5404 01-20-2013 02:28 PM

I thing hosting is okay. It's one of the bests free hostings in my country and could handle various types of forums, blogs, wikias and others, and have unlimited database. But I'll try other hosting later... when I could log in to it's FTP server x.x or when I find another-another one which have PHP 5.3.

Only thing I want to know right now is why /admincp/ works and /admincp/index.php doesn't.
Anyone want to take a look?
I added this "trolololo" because I wanted to see if .htaccess redirects something and if those two are the same file - and they are.

I thought about looking at /classes/ - those files are supposed to build interface of site, right?

Hall of Famer 01-20-2013 03:52 PM

Try changing the CMD of all script files inside admincp folder to 644 or 755. Some people get this error 'cause the initial CMD was 604 for them, weird.

5404 01-21-2013 08:50 AM

Chmod is 664...
After changing chmod for a whole it's still the same. With both options.
So changed back to 664.

Ruinily 01-23-2013 02:26 PM

Yeh I'm still having the same problem, I've been trying to figure this out for a week... Though thats probably just because this new style of coding makes no sense to me lol... I messed up coding a few times, but this exact acp error has been popping up since I first ran the site so its nothing I've done. I reloaded the sites files several times to try and get the install to work, so it should have been clean. I tried making every single file 777, 640, and several settings inbetween. If the number was wrong it'd give me a forbidden message, but I only get the 'HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.' everytime. This is what the admin error says, it repeated it about four times.

[23-Jan-2013 19:14:14 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/ file too short in Unknown on line 0
[23-Jan-2013 19:14:14 UTC] PHP Warning: include_once(.php) [<a href='function.include-once'>function.include-once</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/felkyocr/public_html/Felkyo/classes/class_urlparser.php on line 33
[23-Jan-2013 19:14:14 UTC] PHP Warning: include_once() [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]: Failed opening '.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/felkyocr/public_html/Felkyo/classes/class_urlparser.php on line 33
[23-Jan-2013 19:14:14 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Fatal Error: Class ACP either does not exist!' in /home/felkyocr/public_html/Felkyo/classes/class_loader.php:26
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: Loader->load('ACP')
#1 /home/felkyocr/public_html/Felkyo/classes/class_urlparser.php(36): spl_autoload_call('ACP')
#2 /home/felkyocr/public_html/Felkyo/classes/class_input.php(79): UrlParser->parse()
#3 /home/felkyocr/public_html/Felkyo/classes/class_input.php(56): Input->initialize()
#4 /home/felkyocr/public_html/Felkyo/classes/class_mysidia.php(133): Input->__construct()
#5 /home/felkyocr/public_html/Felkyo/classes/class_mysidia.php(42): Mysidia->parseinput()
#6 /home/felkyocr/public_html/Felkyo/inc/init.php(27): Mysidia->initialize()
#7 /home/felkyocr/public_html/Felkyo/admincp/index.php(4): require('/home/felkyocr/...')
#8 {main}
thrown in /home/felkyocr/public_html/Felkyo/classes/class_loader.php on line 26

So if anyone likes a challenge I'd be really grateful for a solution, I've had to edit the files through php, but I really dont want to try and run the whole site through php and the database... And I want to see this new admin panel. :P

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