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KuraiOkami 02-11-2009 04:19 AM

N00b Question??
ok, so I'm totally new with PHP and javascript. Html and CSS i have messed with quite a few times but I'm still learning. I'm not in a huge hurry for choosing a webhost and getting the website up 'cuz I'm sitting here learning these things and perhaps waiting for the next release of this script >.>;; ( lol).

Anyways, so I want make this private adoptables site for the members on my forum. These adoptables appear in my stories that are works in progress (which is why I'm planning on making this a private site until I get my ideas legally copyrighted and the comic i have in mind going. I don't want people snitching my stuff you can say). In the story, some of these critters evolve by feeding off of the emotions of their master/friend/host. They evolve into forms that correspond with a strong emotion their partner exhibits during a certain situation.

So it's sort like how the Pokemon, eevee, evolves, only with emotions instead of stones.

I was thinking of how I could make them do something like that for this site I have in mind. What I currently have in mind for this is that the owner of the adoptable can set their moods on their account. The critters level up with a certain amount of page visits and evolve at a certain level. That specific level is tied to a certain mood needed to make it evolve. The owner must be in the mood that is required in order to make the critter evolve.

The critters don't evolve into forms of all moods. There are limitations. For instance one adoptable can evolve into a form at level 10 with the owners mood set to happiness, level 15 for anger, or 25 for sorrow and another adoptable can have 5 forms for 5 separate moods and so on.

If the adoptable is passed a specific level and hasn't evolved yet 'cuz the owner did not have their mood set to the right requirements to obtain that certain form, it would be still possible for the critter to evolve when the owner does set their mood to the right mood required for it to evolve (if it hasn't evolved into another form that corresponded with another mood that is).

That is what I thought of so far, I'm still thinking over some things, but that's the basic idea.

My question is...would their be anyway to code something like this into your script? and how would you if you can?

I have an idea of how to code most of the features i've got in mind like selecting a mood and some more. I know when I learn more programming stuff and get better at it, I'll know how to code those features in mind, but this one I think I still might get stuck on 'cuz from what i know, i dun think I've ever seen an adoptable site do something like this XD;;. I think anyways.

This is really making me think about paying $10 just for mod help here when I get more money soon. I've seen from other posts how supportive you guys are and I think that is really awesome. :)

So um...if you guys have any suggestions about this since you know coding more then i currently do, that'd be cool.

Also, what would be a good free webhosting site...I was starting with freewebs, but I was thinking of nova host 'cuz..i'm not too wild about freeweb's templates....I'm an artist, its gotta represent me and my art somehow and how else would it unless I did the graphics myself.

It's nice to browse around though and get an idea of how you'd want your layout though (which I'm also currently thinking about too).

I'd also like to know if I need to download anything special to work with.

So far, I work on an iMac OS X 10.4 (.1 i think...i know ts a 10.4...I have to look lol) and I got Dreamweaver and hopefully I'll be able to buy the newer version that comes in the adobe masters collection soon...hopefully.

my apologies if some of this is confusing, just ask me to explain a bit more and I'll try to explain it the best way I can...I also need to get to bed. It's 2 am here. Nights and thanks in advanced.

Seapyramid 02-11-2009 08:47 AM

RE: N00b Question??

What you are considering is basically what Valenth does with their foods. Check out for more ideas

Basically what you are wanting are multiple outcomes which has been discussed. Now if I am thinking correctly that will NOT be available in this next release but is planned in a future release.


BMR777 02-11-2009 03:48 PM

RE: N00b Question??
As far as hosting, check here:

You can post for free hosting at that link. Many web hosts are there and you can request hosting free from them. Be sure and get a host without forced ads on your account as the ads interfere with parts of the script.

What you want as far as the moods is rather more of a big suggestion than a simple how-to. This will have to be coded into the script to accomplish. Johnathon is working on this script now and he may add this type of thing to a future release.

Johnathon 02-11-2009 04:00 PM

RE: N00b Question??
The "foods" type of multiple outcomes is expected for second Release Candidate, not the Release candidate One scheduled to come out within this next week. Things are still on schedule, but may be pushed back a maximum of one day due to my recent laryngitis sickness. Things are still looking good work-wise though, even if I can't talk. =D

KuraiOkami 02-11-2009 10:31 PM

RE: N00b Question??
Wow, that was really quick. Thanks for the suggestions. This'll give me more time to study and hopefully I'll know more of what I'll be doing by then. :)

I wasn't quite sure if this would be considered a suggestion or a how-to thing since I did have some, should I move this thread then (sorry for posting this in the wrong area)?

I'll be checking out the sites that you guys have suggested too...kinda coincidental to see someone had a somewhat similar idea like mine, but executed before I ever made it. lol Not easy being original 'cuz everything has practically been done before. Oh wells, it's not like the world is going to end.

and I hope you'll get better John, I've had laryngitis before when I was younger. That was seriously no fun :(.

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