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kitty08 10-16-2011 04:03 AM

Register glitche,can someone help me? ;A;
Is it normal that every new user see "Oh noes!Something go wrong.Please retry,or contact Sally with this account,username:test password:tester"





if($isloggedin == "yes"){

$article_title = "You already have an account";
$article_content = "You already have an account,there is no need for you to register a new one.";

//die("Our site isnt open for new members currently!We're sorry. Sally and Dreamfly.");
//Grab the post data from the form

$username = $_POST["username"];
$pass1 = $_POST["pass1"];
$pass2 = $_POST["pass2"];
$email = $_POST["email"];
$avatar = $_POST["avatar"];
//$wedding = $_POST["wedding"];
$tos = $_POST["tos"];
$hidden = $_POST["hidden"];

if($hidden != "goregister"){

//The form was not submitted, so we are showing the signup page...

$article_title = $regnew;
$article_content = $regnewexplain."<br><form name='form1' method='post' action='register.php'>
<p>Username: <input name='username' type='text' id='username' maxlength='20'></p>
<p>Your username may be up to 20 characters long and may only contain letters, numbers and spaces. </p>
<p>Password: <input name='pass1' type='password' id='pass1' maxlength='20'></p>
<p>Your password may be up to 20 characters long and may contain letters, numbers, spaces and special characters. The use of a special character, such as * or ! is recommended for increased security. </p>
<p>Confirm Password: <input name='pass2' type='password' id='pass2' maxlength='20'></p>
<p>Email Address: <input name='email' type='text' id='email'></p>
<p>Avatar url: <input name='avatar' type='text' id='avatar'></p>
<p><input name='tos' type='checkbox' id='tos' value='yes'> I agree to the <a href='tos.php' target='_blank'>Terms of Service</a>.
<input name='hidden' type='hidden' id='hidden' value='goregister'></p>
<p><input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Register'>


//We are attempting to register the user...

//First MD5 hash the passwords:

$pass1 = md5($pass1);
$pass2 = md5($pass2);

//Next check that the username does not already exist...

$flag = 0;
$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."users WHERE username = '$username'";
$result = @runquery($query);
$num = @mysql_numrows($result);

if($num > 0){
$flag = 1;

//Now we verify that the email address is a valid email address...
$emailisvalid = "no";

if(eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $email)) {

$emailisvalid = "yes";


//First check that something required was not left blank...

if($username == "" or $pass1 == "" or $pass2 == "" or $email == ""){
$article_title = "Error";
$article_content = $regblank;
else if($pass1 != $pass2){

//Passwords do not match

$article_title = "Your passwords do not match";
$article_content = $passnomatch;

else if($tos != "yes"){

//User did not agree to TOS
$article_title = "Terms of Service Error";
$article_content = $notos;

else if($flag > 0){

//Username already exists
$article_title = "Your username already exists";
$article_content = $userexists;

else if($emailisvalid != "yes"){

//Email address is not valid or is a fake

$article_title = "Email address is not valid";
$article_content = $emailinvalid;


//All checks are done, actually create the user's account on the database

$date = date('Y-m-d');

runquery("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."users VALUES ('', '$username', '$pass1','$email','3','1', '$date', '0', '0' ,'','','','','', '{$GLOBALS['settings']['startmoney']}', '','$avatar', '', '', '', '1', 'Unknown', '')");

//Now that we have created the user, let's log them in...

$status = dologin($username, $pass1);

if($status != "success"){

$article_title = "Something is Wrong!";
$article_content = "Oh noes!Something go wrong.Please retry,or contact Sally with this account,username:test password:tester.";


//We are registered and logged in...

$article_title = $titleregsuccess;
$article_content = $regsuccess."".$username."".$regsuccess2;

//Reflect our changes in the sidebar...
$sidebar = "<b><u>Welcome ".$username."</u></b>:<br><a href='account.php'>Go to My Account</a><br><a href='adopt.php'>Adopt Some Pets</a> or maybe <a href='logout.php>logout</a>?";






echo showpage($article_title, $article_content, $date);


Hall of Famer 10-16-2011 05:20 AM

It looks to me that your mysql query is inconsistent with your database table structure. Look at your table prefix.users and see how many columns it has. The mysql insert query should have the same number of fields as the number of columns in your table prefix.users. Edit this line in your register.php and you will be able to fix your problem.

PHP Code:

runquery("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."users VALUES ('', '$username',  '$pass1','$email','3','1', '$date', '0', '0' ,'','','','','',  '{$GLOBALS['settings']['startmoney']}', '','$avatar', '', '', '', '1',  'Unknown', '')"); 

kitty08 10-17-2011 02:21 AM

Thank you!!I think it's working now.i remember that i did add a premium money on it ^^"silly me.

Hall of Famer 10-17-2011 05:18 AM

Ah I see, now it makes perfect sense to me why it aint working for you before. At times when you have trouble with user registration, pets creation or pets adoption, open the files register.php, nadopt.php or doadopt.php to see if the mysql insert query code matches your database structure in table prefix.users, prefix.adoptables or prefix.owned_adoptables. I may end up posting a simple trouble-shooting thread for absolute beginners to make their lives easier in not-so-distant future.

kitty08 10-18-2011 03:28 AM

Hehe,thank you.You fixed what i did spend few days on it to try to fix it xD i won't thank you as much as you deserve!

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