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MaximumRide 04-25-2012 09:46 AM

I Need Someone To Help Me Upload Mysidia To My Main Site
Ok so I have this site that HoF help me put together
But then I realized that I am paying for a domain that I don't use
So I was wondering if someone could help me install the script onto this site
~Thanks, Max

AlexC 04-25-2012 02:31 PM

Well, you should be able to point your domain towards the site you already have, and then redirect your old url to your new one. So you'll have the same site, with a different address. :3

MaximumRide 04-25-2012 02:51 PM

Do what? XD

AlexC 04-25-2012 03:06 PM

You can switch the URL you're using. So you can keep your site, but hide your current domain with your new one, does that make sense?

MaximumRide 04-25-2012 03:06 PM

Yeah I just don't know how to do that XD

AlexC 04-25-2012 03:55 PM

I wrote two version of this depending on how your domain is set up;

If you bought your domain from somewhere other then your host...

Well, you'll need to find something called "doman name servers" (or DNS) for your current site. Then go to your domain, or rather, the place you bought the domain, and find a place to switch your DNS. Then go back to your host, find your config.php file, change your domain listed in there. (you have to do this as well in your phpmyadmin, under settings, but I'm not sure) Then go to your host, find a page for making url redirects, and set one up to redirect to

If you bought your domain through your host;

Go to the page to manage your domain and switch the directory your domain is set to point towards. Then repeat the config.php/database part exactly the same way. :3

Tell me if you need more detailed instructions. :3

MaximumRide 04-25-2012 03:59 PM

Ok well first I need to find out what host I am using for >.<

AlexC 04-25-2012 04:25 PM

Well, where did you buy it?

MaximumRide 04-25-2012 04:26 PM

Well one of my relatives bought it for me... I'm trying to get a hold of them

AlexC 04-25-2012 04:31 PM

You'll need to do that first. Once you've found out, you can send them your DNS info or get them to give you the info and page to let you change it.

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