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trollis76 05-24-2009 02:14 AM

Siggy.php destroys outline.
On my transparent pictures, written on by the siggy.php some lose their outlines. This is bothering me deeply, and I don't know what is causing it.
The un-siggy pictures are not "destroyed".

Bloodrun 05-24-2009 07:32 AM

RE: Siggy.php destroys outline.
Um.. outlines? What do you mean?

Try lowering the size of the files first. Then if that doesn't work, test different opacity layers, as well as none transparent photos.

I can't even get my siggy.php file to work. But that's alright.

trollis76 05-24-2009 08:22 AM

RE: Siggy.php destroys outline.
Well, look at my signature and you'll understand. Thanks for the fast answer though.

Bloodrun 05-24-2009 11:27 AM

RE: Siggy.php destroys outline.

Originally Posted by trollis76
Well, look at my signature and you'll understand. Thanks for the fast answer though.

I don't see any kind of border.

Make sure your image isn't to big meaning dimensions, I believe the siggy.php does have a dimensions size limitation.

trollis76 05-24-2009 11:54 AM

RE: Siggy.php destroys outline.
Dimension? Sorry to be a noob, but what do you mean?

Bloodrun 05-24-2009 12:15 PM

RE: Siggy.php destroys outline.

Originally Posted by trollis76
Dimension? Sorry to be a noob, but what do you mean?

100 X 100.
200 X 200.
50 X 75.


trollis76 05-24-2009 02:11 PM

RE: Siggy.php destroys outline.
Well, the pictures are 80x80 BEFORE the siggy.php...
And this is my file:
PHP Code:


// **********************************************************************
// Rusnak PHP Adoptables Script
// Copyright 2009 Brandon Rusnak
// For help and support:
// Redistribution prohibited without written permission
// File ID: siggy.php
// Purpose: Show signature images for adoptables
// **********************************************************************

// Wake the sleeping giant

// **********************************************************************
// Basic Configuration Info
// **********************************************************************


$themeurl grabanysetting("themeurl");

// **********************************************************************
// Define our top links by calling getlinks()
// **********************************************************************

$links getlinks();

// **********************************************************************
// Define our ads by calling getads()
// **********************************************************************

$ads getads("any");

// **********************************************************************
// Grab any dynamic article content from the content table
// **********************************************************************

$pagecontent getsitecontent("index");
$article_title $pagecontent[title];
$article_content $pagecontent[content];
$article_content nl2br($article_content);

// **********************************************************************
// Grab any settings that we will need for the current page from the DB
// **********************************************************************

$browsertitle grabanysetting("browsertitle");
$sitename grabanysetting("sitename");
$slogan grabanysetting("slogan");

// **********************************************************************
// Check and see if the user is logged in to the site
// **********************************************************************

$loginstatus logincheck();
$isloggedin $loginstatus[loginstatus];
$loggedinname $loginstatus[username];

// **********************************************************************
// End Prepwork - Output the page to the user
// **********************************************************************

// We need to grab an adoptable ID

$id $_GET["id"];
$id preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/"""$id);
$id secure($id);

// Check that ID exists and is valid


// The ID appears to be valid, so double check...

$query "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE aid='$id'";
$result mysql_query($query);
$num mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while (
$i 1) {

$aid=@mysql_result($result,$i,"aid"); //The adoptable's ID


$aid == $id){

// The adoptable exists, so let's try and show the image

$usingimage "no";

$image getcurrentimage($id);

// Let's see if the server has support for GD or not
    // Also to use fancy images the image must be a gif and fancy images must be enabled...

$usegd grabanysetting("gdimages");
$imageinfo = @getimagesize($image);
$imagemime $imageinfo["mime"]; // Mime type of the image file, should be a .gif file...

if(function_exists('imagegif') and $usegd == "yes" and $imagemime == "image/gif")

$usingimage "yes"//Turn the template system off


list($width$height$type$attr) = getimagesize($image); // The size of the original adoptable image

    // Begin the fancy outputs...

    // Lets create the new target image, with a size big enough for the text for the adoptable

$newheight $height 60;

$newwidth 100){
$newwidth 100;
$newwidth $width;

$img_temp imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth$newheight); 

$alphablending true;  

// Lets create the image and save its transparency  
$img_old = @imagecreatefromgif($image);  
// Lets copy the old image into the new image with  
     // the given size  
$textheight $width 2;

$image $img_temp;

$bgi imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth$newheight);

$color imagecolorallocate($bgi515151);

$str1 " ".$name;
$str2 "Level ".$currentlevel;

imagestring ($image120$textheight,  $str1$color);
imagestring ($image120$textheight 13,  $str2$color);

$background imagecolorallocate($image000);  
header("Content-Type: image/GIF");
ImageGif ($image);

// We are going to try and get this image the old fashioned way...
    // Define a list of allowed file extentions...

$extList = array();
$extList['gif'] = 'image/gif';
$extList['jpg'] = 'image/jpeg';
$extList['jpeg'] = 'image/jpeg';
$extList['png'] = 'image/png';

//Define the output file type
$contentType 'Content-type: '.$extList$imageinfo['extension'] ];

$imageinfo['extension'] =! "image/gif" and $imageinfo['extension'] =! "image/jpeg" and $imageinfo['extension'] =! "image/png"){

// The file type is NOT ALLOWED
die("Hacking Attempt!");


// File type is allowed, so proceed
    // Try and read the file in

$status "";

header ($contentType);
$status readfile($image);

$status == "" or $status == "false" or $status == "FALSE"){

// Reading the file failed, so show an error...    
header ("text/plain");
"Readfile appears to be disabled on your host.");





// Bogus ID

$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;


// Bogus ID

$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;


// **********************************************************************
// Begin Template Definition
// **********************************************************************

//Define our current theme
$file $themeurl;

// Do the template changes and echo the ready template
$template file_get_contents($file);

$template replace(':ARTICLETITLE:',$article_title,$template);
$template replace(':ARTICLECONTENT:',$article_content,$template);
$template replace(':ARTICLEDATE:',$article_date,$template);

$template replace(':BROWSERTITLE:',$browsertitle,$template);
$template replace(':SITENAME:',$sitename,$template);

//Define our links
$template replace(':LINKSBAR:',$links,$template);

//Get the content for the side bar...

$sidebar getsidebar();
$template replace(':SIDEFEED:',$sidebar,$template);

//Get the ad content...
$template replace(':ADS:',$ads,$template);

//Get the slogan info
$template replace(':SLOGAN:',$slogan,$template);

$usingimage != "yes"){
$template// Only echo the template if we are not showing an image... 

// **********************************************************************
// End Template Definition
// **********************************************************************


BMR777 05-24-2009 03:24 PM

RE: Siggy.php destroys outline.
It's probably due to the GD image library. The siggy.php file actually has to re-save your image file when it adds the signature text and it has been my experience that sometimes GD does not save transparencies properly, so that may be the issue here.

I'll continue to look into this and see if I can find a workaround to incorporate into a future release. :)

Bloodrun 05-24-2009 07:35 PM

RE: Siggy.php destroys outline.

Originally Posted by BMR777
It's probably due to the GD image library. The siggy.php file actually has to re-save your image file when it adds the signature text and it has been my experience that sometimes GD does not save transparencies properly, so that may be the issue here.

I'll continue to look into this and see if I can find a workaround to incorporate into a future release. :)

What you might have to do, is make it where the script has an option to make the image transparent. Meaning the script will be the only thing that will make a normal image transparent. That's what I use for my TCG Makers, I can hand you the coding for the transparent option if you want.

BMR777 05-24-2009 07:38 PM

RE: Siggy.php destroys outline.
Yeah, Bloodrun, if you could point me in the right direction of transparencies and GD that would be great as I could implement that in a future release.

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