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gwynmil 10-15-2017 08:39 AM

Blank pages
I've managed to install Mysidia but now only get blank pages, no matter what URL is tried. I saw the sticky topic about x10 hosting and changed $this->root but it has no effect. Any more ideas?

Sorry, I know that host is crap (they don't allow folder uploads so installing these scripts last night was an absolute pain in the arse!). Tried buying proper hosting from a bunch of places but they all require a credit card which I don't have at the moment, sigh. So unless somewhere accepts advance payment by Paypal, I'm stuck with free options. WAMP server was already tried by my co-designer, she couldn't get it to work.

Of course I can hand over the host/DB login details, if anyone thinks they can fix this. Though frankly it would be much nicer if someone could set up Mysidia on a better host, so me and the co-designer can mess around with it (neither of us are very familiar with PHP or database stuff yet - this is our little learning/practice project). I'd be happy to pay for the domain name, hosting and send you a few extra dollars by Paypal for your help. :happyc: (or if you'd rather get some artwork, I can offer that too. My DA gallery if interested)

Thanks for any help!

Dinocanid 10-15-2017 09:30 AM

You could set up your site on x10 (which is free). It's what I use for my site at the moment. I've heard that 000 free hosting isn't good since you can't take breaks, and if you're inactive for too long then you're discontinued. Plus the file hosting is bad (as you've seen). x10 allows zip/rar uploads, so uploading the script is (pardon my pun) x10 faster. If you wanted help with it, you can let me know through PM.

gwynmil 10-16-2017 03:25 PM

Thanks Dinocanid. Signed up and installing now :)

By the way, we're hoping to use your dynamic images mod (thanks for providing that!) and are wondering: do you have an idea how to modify the breeding system to generate the markings used? Something like "check the mother's and father's body colour, choose one of them to copy into child's DB entry. Move onto marking, repeat. Move onto eye colour, repeat" before final merge. So we don't have to manually create griffs all the time.

If it turns out too difficult to code ourselves (we're total PHP newbies) then I'll happily pay/draw/offer whatever in exchange for someone else making this mod.

Dinocanid 10-16-2017 06:28 PM

It shouldn't be too difficult. In class_breeding.php, there is a section called "public function breeding()" where this would go. Inside could be something like:
PHP Code:

$mother_base =  $this->female->base
$father_base =  $this->male->base
$mother_eyes =  $this->female->eyes
$father_eyes =  $this->male->eyes
//so on and so forth for the variables...

$choose rand(1,2); //50% chance of inheriting from mother or father
if($choose == 1){$base $mother_base}
$base $father_base

After that, you would modify the "mysidia->db->insert" to include the markings and such. So inside the array you would put:
PHP Code:

"base" => $base"eyes" => $eyes

And keep going for however many things you want to pass down through breeding.

Once you do that, you have to go into class_ownedadoptable.php and add things like this:
PHP Code:

public $base;

public function getBase(){
//do this for every variable you added 

I can help more if you get stuck anywhere.

gwynmil 10-16-2017 07:13 PM

Wonderful, thank you! I'll make some test images and try it out tomorrow.

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