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Blue Icebox 02-17-2009 05:07 PM

A problem with the config.php!
This is what I have right now...



// PHP Easy Adoptables Configuration File

$dbhost = '';                      //DB Hostname
$dbuser = 'a5529740';                                //DB User
$dbpass = '~password hidden~';                                //DB Password
$dbname = 'Fairy Tree';                                    //Your database name
$dname = '';            //Your domain name (No http, www or . )
$spath = '/pets';                                //The folder you installed this script in, if subfolder use a slash, if root domain empty
$auser = 'Blue Icebox';                                //Admin Username for Host Admin CP
$apass = 'niminim';                                //Password for Host Admin CP


(I have a password for the password hidden part but I'm just not showing it to bad people! ;) )

So if I do that, this comes up!


PHP Error Message

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server in /home/a5529740/public_html/pet/index.php on line 14

Error connecting to mysql database!

What should I do?

What happened?

BMR777 02-17-2009 05:20 PM

RE: A problem with the config.php!
That is a host error. I hate 000webhost as nearly everyone who tries to install the script on that site has database issues.

Also, are you sure that $dbname = 'Fairy Tree'; is correct? Usually database names don't have spaces, but I could be wrong.

Blue Icebox 02-17-2009 05:45 PM

RE: A problem with the config.php!
what are databases anyways? I don't get that form! :O

BMR777 02-17-2009 05:47 PM

RE: A problem with the config.php!
MySQL databases is where everything about your adoptables and users is stored, such as usernames, passwords, adoptable names, etc. :)

Blue Icebox 02-17-2009 06:03 PM

RE: A problem with the config.php!
okay, then how are you supposed to fill out...

$dbhost = '';
$dbuser = 'a5529740';
$dbpass = '~password hidden~';
$dbname = 'Fairy Tree';


What's a database name?
Whats a database user?
What is a database password?
What is a database host?

~~Can you give me a suggestion to what host should I use?~~

Do you say...

do you think that works well?

BMR777 02-17-2009 06:04 PM

RE: A problem with the config.php!
You get these settings from your web host when you make a new database in their control panel. 000webhost is tricky, so contact them as they are the only ones who seem to know which value to use for $dbhost as it varies based on the server they have your account on. :)

Blue Icebox 02-17-2009 06:14 PM

RE: A problem with the config.php!

Username a5529740
Password * hidden * (show)
Disk Usage 1.2 / 1500.0 MB
Bandwidth 100000 MB (100GB)
Home Root /home/a5529740
Server Name
IP Address
Apache ver. 2.2.10 (Unix)
PHP version 5.2.*
MySQL ver. 5.0.51-community
Activated On 2009-02-13 00:45
Status Active

give any help?

BMR777 02-17-2009 06:17 PM

RE: A problem with the config.php!
Again, you have to ask 000webhost for the correct value for $dbhost. Nothing I can do until you get the correct value for the server you are on.

Blue Icebox 02-17-2009 06:23 PM

RE: A problem with the config.php!
oh I ~THINK~ I've found a solution without contacting them...
I found a place where you can ~CREATE~ your MySql name, ect...![hr]
$mysql_host = "";
$mysql_database = "a5529740_FT";
$mysql_user = "a5529740_BI";
$mysql_password = "~HIDDENPASSWORD!~";

Wait no... look! Too many problems! What should I do?

BMR777 02-17-2009 06:37 PM

RE: A problem with the config.php!
Did you run the SQL queries inside of sql.txt on your database using PHPMyAdmin? :)

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