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Clessidra 04-26-2014 04:13 AM

What's The Point Of Mods?
I really don't understand what the point of mods for the script is. Why not just implement the features and give us an option to enable or disable them? I mean, of course a non-staffer making mods wouldn't be able to do this, but when the actual coders are making addons, it doesn't make sense for them to not be part of the script. If it's because they're unstable, why not just make a "Beta Features" section or something? :coloness: Idk. Sorry if this sounds rude, I don't mean for it to.

squiggler 04-26-2014 04:58 PM

It's probably because mods take up room on the server- even if they're not being used. The other reason might be that when updating 4.0 to 4.1 for example, they don't want to update more than they have to. (And mods always trail behind major updates.)

Clessidra 04-27-2014 12:07 AM

Didn't even think of that. xD Makes sense.

Nemesis 04-28-2014 10:46 PM

Also mods are created & supposed to be maintained by other coders. They are a separate branch of the main framework. If they were all merged it would be to hard for the dev team to be responsible for them all.

Hall of Famer 04-29-2014 03:07 PM

Well ideally the mods are created by the community, not by the dev team. This is usually how it works for most scripts, but since Mysidia Adoptables does not have third party coders dedicated to make mods, I have to do it myself. Maybe someday when the script is popular enough you will see what I mean.

Clessidra 05-10-2014 04:34 PM

I don't see why it would need mods begin with, honestly. But, whatever keeps the script goin'.
But, just me opinion.

IntoRain 05-10-2014 04:48 PM

Why not? Mods give a chance for non-staff members to make their own modifications and make them public for whoever wants to use it. Open source codes usually get modified by other outside coders, giving the chance to implement new features that meet your needs but might not be likable or needed by everyone else. Even popular frameworks like Laravel get script modifications this way. It's way easier and less resource expensive (adding stuff to database = more space occupied + more queries have to be made to check if a feature being used) to do it this way than to implement an "on/off" feature like what you suggested.
It's easier for the staff (less debugging, less code changes or updates) and for the users

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