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Ittermat 04-01-2016 12:50 AM

Help with Fishing pages...?
1 Attachment(s)
Okay so I did try to do this all on my own.. its not working XD So I need some help please..

what im trying to do is that you need A fishing pole and bait to fish..and each time you fish it uses a bait..but you keep the pole... everytime I've tried it so far it takes my pole, leaves the bait and doesnt do anything

heres my exploreforestlake.php

  Spoiler: exploreforestlake 
PHP Code:


class ExploreforestlakeController extends AppController{

    public function 
    public function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");

And my exploreforestlakeview.php

  Spoiler: exploreforestlakeview 
PHP Code:


class Exploreforestlakeview extends View{

  public function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$document $this->document;
$document->setTitle("Fishing in the Forest Lake"); 

$document->add(new Comment(" <a href='http://'><b>Go back to the Forest?</a></b>"FALSE)); 

$item "Fishing pole";
$hasitem $mysidia->db->select("inventory", array("quantity"), "itemname ='{$item}' and owner='{$mysidia->user->username}'")->fetchColumn();
$today date("d"); // Day of the month
            // Reset explore counter if the last recorded exploration was on a different day than today:
$reset $mysidia->user->lastday != $today

// Allow user to explore if they are under the limit or if reset condition is true. 
if ($mysidia->user->exploretimes <= 50 || $reset) {  
// Update the last day that they explored to today
$mysidia->db->update("users", array("lastday" => $today), "username = '{$mysidia->user->username}'");

// If $reset condition was true, reset the count to 1, otherwise increment the existing count. 
$updatedExploreTimes $reset $mysidia->user->exploretimes 1
$mysidia->db->update("users", array("exploretimes" => ($updatedExploreTimes)), "username = '{$mysidia->user->username}'"); 
$item_name "Worm bait";
$qty 1;
$item = new PrivateItem($item$mysidia->user->username);
$random rand(1,100);
$random && $random 20){
$item "Bass";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src='' /><b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random && $random 20){
$item "Catfish";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src='' /><b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random && $random 20){
$item "Minnow";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src=''/> <b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random >= 21 && $random <= 30){
$amount rand(5,20);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You found $amount cash!"FALSE)); 
$random >= 31 && $random <= 40){
$item "Goldfish";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src='' /><b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random >= 61 && $random <= 70){
$item "Green goldfish";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src=''/> <b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random >= 61 && $random <= 70){
$item "Salmon";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src=''/>  <b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random >= 61 && $random <= 70){
$item "Perch";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src='' /> <b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random >= 61 && $random <= 70){
$item "Tetra";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a  <img src=''/><b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random >= 61 && $random <= 70){
$item "Tilapia";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src=''/><b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random >= 61 && $random <= 70){
$item "Trout";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src=''/><b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random >= 61 && $random <= 70){
$species "Feesh";
$newadopt = new StockAdopt($species);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src=''/> $species egg! Its uncommon."FALSE));
$random >= 71 && $random <= 75){
$item "Eel";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src=''/><b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random >= 71 && $random <= 75){
$item "Green angelfish";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src=''/><b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random >= 71 && $random <= 75){
$item "Green and blue guppy";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src=''/><b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random >= 71 && $random <= 75){
$item "Green and magenta guppy";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src=''/><b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random >= 71 && $random <= 75){
$item "Red lobster";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src=''/><b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random == 100){
$item "Green betta fish";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src=''/><b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random == 100){
$item "Green koi";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src=''/><b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random == 100){
$item "Green tetra";
$qty 1;
$newitem = new StockItem($item);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You caught a <img src=''/><b>$item</b>!"FALSE));
$random >= 91 && $random <= 99){
$document->add(new Comment("You didn't catch anything. Better luck next time."FALSE));
            } else { 
// Past limit
$document->add(new Comment("It seems you have fished too much today, why don't you take a rest until tomorrow?"FALSE));
        } else { 
// Lacking item
$document->add(new Comment("Sorry you need a fishing pole and Bait to Fish!"FALSE));

$document->add(new Comment("<img src=''/>"FALSE));

Im also trying to get the images to show up when you catch something... and theres a picture of a lake that I want on the page...(for atmosphere basically..) But I cant get it to work... help please?

Heres the page...everything is also all mushed together.....

Thank you in advance ^^;; I've been trying to get this to work for like...3 hours

Ittermat 04-01-2016 11:41 AM

Bump, added a screenshot since I realized you cant see the page if you arent a member lol

LUC1G07CH1 04-01-2016 07:00 PM

I have tested this and it works fine to me,i think you need to buy the pole and the bait again,so i think it will be fine to you too. (i have purchased a pole,but the message had with me and my pole dissapeared,so i buy it again and tadaaa!)

Ittermat 04-01-2016 07:03 PM

Hmm I was messing with it a little bit...
but its not supposed to take your pole at all XD

LUC1G07CH1 04-01-2016 08:31 PM

But my pole dissapeared again,oh noes! :ohnoes:

Ittermat 04-01-2016 08:32 PM

yea its not supposed to be taking the pole...just the bait... wait till I actually fix it to use it please XD

LUC1G07CH1 04-01-2016 09:14 PM

Okay! *insert a thumbup*

tahbikat 04-01-2016 09:56 PM

Try this? I haven't tested it so just let me know if it works or not. Replace the parts that need replacing, from the $item line to the remove item line.

PHP Code:

"Fishing pole";
$item2 "Worm Bait";
$hasitem $mysidia->db->select("inventory", array("quantity"), "itemname ='{$item}' and owner='{$mysidia->user->username}'")->fetchColumn();
$hasitem2 $mysidia->db->select("inventory", array("quantity"), "itemname ='{$item2}' and owner='{$mysidia->user->username}'")->fetchColumn();
$hasitem && $hasitem2){ 
$today date("d"); // Day of the month
            // Reset explore counter if the last recorded exploration was on a different day than today:
$reset $mysidia->user->lastday != $today

// Allow user to explore if they are under the limit or if reset condition is true. 
if ($mysidia->user->exploretimes <= 50 || $reset) {  
// Update the last day that they explored to today
$mysidia->db->update("users", array("lastday" => $today), "username = '{$mysidia->user->username}'");

// If $reset condition was true, reset the count to 1, otherwise increment the existing count. 
$updatedExploreTimes $reset $mysidia->user->exploretimes 1
$mysidia->db->update("users", array("exploretimes" => ($updatedExploreTimes)), "username = '{$mysidia->user->username}'"); 
$item_name "Worm bait";
$qty 1;
$item_name = new PrivateItem($item_name$mysidia->user->username);

Ittermat 04-01-2016 10:04 PM

That worked! Now I just need to tweak a few things...and figure out how to space things... and how to add a link to continue fishing XD

tahbikat 04-01-2016 10:14 PM

Yay, awesome! c:

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