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AlexC 11-22-2013 05:59 PM

Nesting too deep?
Hi, I deleted my links and readded them, since I'm picky about order and stuff... then suddenly in the middle of adding them, I got this message;

Fatal error: Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency? in /home/ratties/public_html/rats/classes/resource/collection/linkedhashmap.php on line 192

Line 192 in the file is; for($entry = $this->header->getAfter(); $entry != $this->header; $entry = $entry->getAfter()){

I thought maybe I'd accidentally made a link a child of another child link? But it seems to be fine. The ID of the link is 43. I can still access the rest of the ACP, just not the admincp/links/add page

EDIT: It is not letting me edit links - but I was able to delete one, and readd it and then it gave me the error again.

Hall of Famer 11-22-2013 08:43 PM

Theres nothing wrong in the linkedhashmap class file, the database source is the only possibility that you get this kind of error. Can you show a screenshot of what the database table for links looks like? The ordering may be the cause of it, but it can be something else.

AlexC 11-22-2013 08:56 PM

That's weird - I looked at the database, I had 1 through 30, all the same links that I had when I started, but none of the new ones I have are in? The links being displayed in my admin panel and on my website have an id of 31 to 44, which are not present in the database.

Here's a link of the table - had to cut off the 1 id of home at the top.

MikiHeart 11-22-2013 11:45 PM

I also came across this issue. However, I was attempting to edit the default links.

AlexC 11-23-2013 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by MikiHeart (Post 28442)
I also came across this issue. However, I was attempting to edit the default links.

For some reason too, I thought about it and seemed to remember that I installed 1.3.4 for another site ages ago, and when I tried to upload images to the site using the ACP, I got this error too after a few images. I was too tired to deal with it at the time, however, so I just deleted the install. But I just tried that now and it was working, so maybe that issue got fixed or something.

Hall of Famer 11-23-2013 03:10 PM

umm the issue may come out randomly, its kinda strange. I believe in Mys v1.3.4 I implemented data structures used widely in computer science like ArrayList, LinkedList, and HashMap and tested them thoroughly, but theres still a chance that some hidden glitches were not yet identified. Id definitely like to look into this issue further, and to prevent such errors in Mys v1.4.0 at least.

AlexC 11-23-2013 03:22 PM

Maybe the ACP isn't communicating properly with the database? I had this weird thing earlier where I changed the default theme in the database - but the website was listening to the theme that had been listed in the settings of the ACP, which hadn't changed. If I had to guess, I'd say as the ACP is storing information in the files instead of the database.

I guess I'll move back to writing pages and drawing rats then. Hopefully a fix can be found soon.

Do you want me to beta test or something for future releases? I seem to be a magnet for every bug in the script.

Hall of Famer 11-23-2013 03:55 PM

Sure a beta-tester will be helpful, there are certain glitches that I wont be able to find myself since I am running it on a PHP 5.4 server with most PHP modules/extensions enabled. It will be nicer to design this script based on what most web hosts are offering for PHP, although anything below PHP 5.3 will not be an option(so no support for PHP 5.2 as always).

AlexC 11-23-2013 04:50 PM

Sounds good - I don't know if we have any beta testers for the script, it might help get things going a bit faster. You can message me when you want me to start with whatever new version is available for testing.

anno1986 01-21-2014 03:59 PM

Nesting too deep?!
What I figured out in my current setup:

I guess I am running PHP5.3 where this error occurs. As soon as I change to a higher PHP version I do NOT GET "Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency? "

What I also noticed it HAS something to do with images in admin panel.
When I comment out the following:


# FILE admincp/view/shopview.php LINE 62
$showForm->buildDropdownList("existingimageurl", "ImageList");

I was able to edit my shops again..

So I went deep into detail but got stuck here:


# FILE classes/resource/collection/linkedhashmap.php LINE 68
error_log('------ '.$key->__toString().' -- '.$value->__toString().' hash: '.$hash.'  index:'.$index);
$this->createEntry($hash, $key, $value, $index);
$eldest = $this->header->getAfter();
if($this->removeEldest($eldest)) $this->removeKey($eldest->getKey());
if($this->size >= $this->threshold) $this->resize(2*$this->entries->length());
error_log('---- OK');

The last image where it stops nothing special:


# table {prefix}_filesmap

Any ideas???

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