Thread: Loading Slow
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Old 06-05-2010, 05:57 AM
Sirenism Sirenism is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
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Default Loading Slow

I was just wondering if anyone had any tips or could help me with the following issue.

Currently all of my threads* containing adoptable images are loading really slow. About 33% of the time they cause a MYSQL Error instead of loading in my XMB forum, a refresh fixes the issue. I've never been able to catch the error while having debug on, so I'm assuming it has something to do with the loading time.

*We have an "adoptables" game thread where users create their own thread and place their adoptables inside to collect or trade with other users. The reason for this is because there was no way to integrate the adoptables with XMB. It was easier to do it all on site rather than have a separate off-site game.

I've tried using the siggy fix provided in this thread but it hasn't sped up anything.
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