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Old 02-01-2011, 04:21 PM
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alonaria alonaria is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Pennsylvania
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alonaria is on a distinguished road
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Hello! Welcome to Mys! I'm sure you'll like it here. Even though we're still small, we're growing and the community is wonderful. I sorta just act as a Mys cheerleader, or Mys PRINCESS cheerleader according to Hoffie. xD

I'm definitely going to check out Virtual Pet List, it seems lovely. :)

I almost forgot to introduce myself! I go by many names. Alonaria, Naria, Aria, Ria, Alo, Alon, Alona, and anything else you can think of. If you'd like to call me by my RL name, it's Sammy. I'm 13, have a pet snake, and work mainly with digital art and graphics, though I sometimes work with traditional art. I'm not a proffessional, seeing that I'm only 13, but for some unknown reason people tend to think I'm older. -shrugs-

I'm employed at three different sites that I really stick with-,, and I'm a guest artist at some other small sites, though I'm best known for my writing and moderation.

Well, I suppose that's it! Enjoy your time in Mys!
And the Alo screams, "OMNOMNOMNOM. I like joo!"

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