Thread: Cpvr here
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Old 02-01-2011, 06:09 PM
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cpvr cpvr is offline
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Originally Posted by enddayne View Post
Welcome! I may have to register on your site once I get Familiar Elements' bugs out... (still haven't figured it out, I'll just fix it)

Hopefully you'll be able to send more new users our way!
I'm pretty sure we can. :) Our site is pretty popular. We just came back, see this thread, VPL is back.

OMG cpvr from VPL wow it's been awhile! What happened to you? You kinda disappeared and VPL went down. Remember me? I used to be a active user on on VPL before it went down. I hear a lot of rumors from the other user from VPL saying you abandoned VPL. It has not been the same since VPL went down.

Do I have to reregsister?
Yes, you do. We just came back. Some bad things happened in my personal life.

I never abandoned VPL. Tell your friends that we're back! :)

Really? I never knew that, cool! Evo was, literally, the first pet side I ever registered on. I'm afraid to say that it's declined due to lack of update. We're not worried about that, though, because Clark is actually working on a new site/version of Evo. XD
Tell him, I'd like to see him come to VPL - looking forward to meeting him.

Welcome to Mysidia Adoptables Cpvr, looks like you are already a well-known figure wherever you go. I am the current owner of this script, it got a new name after I took over. I cant promise much at this moment, but I can promise to work hard on this script together with other dev staff. Lemme know if you have any questions.
Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm sure you guys will do fine. Ya, I'm pretty known around the internet. It's because of what I've accomplished and done over the years. I still don't think I'm known though.

How long has this software been around? This niche really needed more pet-site scripts.

Hi again Cpvr!

You're daughter is precious, I'm assuming your avatar is a picture of her.

I'm Kae, I'm a 17-year-old(almost 18), jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none and one of the Coders on the development staff here at Mysidia. I'm glad to see you here!
Thank you so much. Yes, it is. She's 2 now.

Nice to meet you, Kae.
Owner of Virtual pet list
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