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Old 04-12-2011, 05:16 PM
nobackseat nobackseat is offline
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Originally Posted by Gloometh View Post
it's a script, for crying out loud. An /adoptable/ script. I don't think people are going to be screaming their heads' off because there is some issues and the php isn't up to date. I have run into some glitches, but I get around them, and I know they will be fixed. As long as it doesn't effect my members, that's okay.

Do you really care this much about it, or are you just bored? :/ If you are making such a big deal, fix it yourself.
Actually, I wish the script never existed.

I make such a big deal because I've been approached by numerous clients, daring me to attempt to make some use of the code.

It's a programmer's hell, but that is not something I would expect you to understand.

I won't fix it, because it isn't my responsibility, and I believe that it is in such a crippled state, I couldn't do very much to improve it. It needs to be redone.