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Old 04-21-2011, 05:15 PM
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Irion Irion is offline
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Okay, so I tried this out since it was exactly what I was looking for.

First of all, I get "templates/icons/delete.gif" as the adopt image on level up and on myadopts.php?act=manage/stats but they show up on myadopts.php
I'm guessing this is due to the modification in the getcurrentimage function. I'll be having a look over it to learn how it's done.

I've had a go at adding an adoptable and read the instructions|FAQ but it's a little confusing and doesn't seem to be working, so I'm humbly asking for some clarification.
Here's what I done and perhaps you can tell me where I'm going wrong:

1. I created a new adoptable through admin.php, enabled the alternate images and filled in [Start using the alternate outcome at level number:] as 0 while the alternate outcome chance I put as 2. Though these number don't really matter and are just satisfying checks, right?

2. I added another level to the adopt I just made (Which was an egg by the way) through admin.php. This was level 1 and I added (one of) the alt image(s) for this level while I was at it; I also input 1 as the required number of clicks- for the sake of testing.

3. Next, it was my understanding that I then go to maiadmin.php and select "Add Alternate Image". I filled out the form as follows:

- Uploaded Image: I selected the same alt image as I used in the creation of level 1.
- Select Adopt: Selected the adopt I'd made, of course (I only have one in the database).
- Entry Level: This was a tad confusing despite your best efforts at explaining. My understanding at first was that it was supposed to be an integer that relates to the level (or stage) that the non-alt is at if it's the first in the alt line. So I input 1 as my value (I then tried again later with "yes" and got no different results)
- Replace Level: I thought this was self explanatory and was asking which level this alt will relate to in the level table. So I input 1.
- Path: I believe I understand this... I input 2 because it would be the 2nd path that that can start at.
- Subpath: I left this blank for the time being
- Select Adopt: Well I believe this was supposed to be called "Method" - and I chose "Random Method" from the drop down.
- Data: I input 2 to represent a 1 in 2 chance.

I then adopted 20 of my adoptable and proceeded to level them into the next stage. None of them returned as the alt.
I then created another alt image with maiadmin.php and used my 3rd alt (I want the egg to hatch into 3 different things- with one of them being significantly rarer). I input 3 for Path while keeping all the other variables the same.
I adopted another 20 and proceeded to level them but I still got the standard one.

Am I misunderstanding something? I also tried selecting as the alt image nothing when creating level 1 in admin.php

Last note: The "return" link on maiadmin.php?do=addnew takes you to www.$domain/'maiadmin.php/'
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