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Old 06-08-2011, 11:54 PM
Ruinily Ruinily is offline
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Default List of little problems

Hi, I dont want to bother anyone, but I kind of need this stuff sorting out fast! I'm hoping their easy problems for most people here, though since I have version 1.2.1 I think some of them are supposed to be fixed anyway. :/

- The pound is currently only showing the first pet in the list of abandoned pets on the pound page. This seems a great waste of a whole page and also it will cause some congestion when there are a lot of pets no one wants at the front. I'd prefer to show a lot more pets on the page.

- I'm not sure if its possible without redoing a lot of things, but I'd like someway of altering the breeding so that some have a less successful chance of breeding, or they cant breed at all. This will help keep my rare pets rare and the commons common. ^_^

- I think it was supposed to be fixed in the version of Mysidia I got, but no one on my site can adopt again after using the back button without refreshing the page. I guess its a good thing with the rare pets, but not when you're trying to adopt several pets at once. :(

- I'd like the option to change certain pets pictures in the admins editing pet options, like the option in myadopts, if its possible. I managed to get a picture of the pet to appear above a list of all the possible images in the database, but the information isnt sent back to the database when its saved...

- The shoutbox used to have a feature where it told you the post you made had been sent and you had to click on a link to see it. Now the page just sort of blinks and goes back to the top making it look like you've lost your post until you click on the link in the navigation bar to go back to the page. I can imagine people that dont know how the shoutbox works would find this annoying or worrying so I'd like to have the message working again, or have the submit refresh the page properly.

- A link on the clicked pets leading back to the owners profile for more clicking. I know with the back button it may seem unneeded, but I had a request for it and like giving people options to do what they want. :)

Theres a few other things like the magical disappearing and flying footer, but I want to try and solve that myself before I bother other people with it. ^_^' I've attempted all the ones above and have been stuck on them for ages, so I hope someone can help me fast before I really start promoting the site...

Last edited by Ruinily; 06-09-2011 at 02:07 PM.
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