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Old 06-24-2011, 04:02 PM
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shiann shiann is offline
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Default I've decided I fail at websites, so, Writer here

So, I cannot, to save my life, figure how to add a freaking CSS. Which was when I decided I would be better at being a writer if I want to be involved in the Mysidia community.

I do best with just a simple description of the adoptables, rather than backstory already thought up (creative liscense you know) but I can work under any circumstances. If you want options just ask- I can write more than one backstory for you to choose from. :)

Also, it would be nice, if you want my services, to know if you want it in this format;

You were walking through a forest..

This format;

There is a forest in...

Or this format;

Hi I live in the forest...

And so on and so forth.
Hai there. :3 All I got for now.
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