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Old 09-05-2011, 12:51 PM
Rozel Rozel is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
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I'm not that good with PHP, I can usually just take it then edit it a bit to my needs but never really one to make up stuff. I can never remember what to type and whatnot... So if anyone could give me more specific code would be helpful.

Also Linkin, you're idea is good, but I was kind of thinking that it would pop up every time you logged in until you pressed a certain button, just to make sure you understood and saw it. Like if you register but then accidently close or miss a few things. Some people just pass by on things like that, while if they had a button to press they might be drawn to read it a bit more :P
No longer working on Aroha. If you see the art of it somewhere else, it's because I've sold it.
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