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Old 01-10-2012, 02:34 PM
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Abronsyth Abronsyth is offline
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Gloometh, that's part of the reason I want, so badly, to create a successful spider site. I want to spread awareness about the gorgeous little 8 legged, fluffy spiders that are very much misunderstood. That too, the only ever spider adopts site I've come across was one that I made XD

HOF, haha, that is what I'm hoping for! As for the stats system, I am currently in the process of figuring out the best way to add that...the stats wouldn't be added until level 1, after the egg hatches, and then I will have to find a way to make it so that, from the ACP, when creating an adoptable I can select whether it is an arboreal, terrestrial, as well as the speed, temperament, etc...if I can't figure it out myself I'll have to set up a Species Page to give info for each species, instead of each particular spider. Thank you :)

Chibi, Iris and Crayola/Vincent (depending on what my 2nd T's name will be...) will be the two mascots :) I also have done a little research on hybrid Ts...they are very rare, and not very good to have anyways, so I won't even consider cross-species. Haha, I'll have to put that in the FAQ page:
Q: Will there ever be hybrid tarantula species?
A: The simple answer is no.

Pyr, that they are :) And yes, I did at one point, but it didn't allow the freedom that I need to develop this into a serious project...

Thank you for the support, guys! At the moment, in the art department, I have been putting my new camera to good use in taking pictures of Iris, my pet Mexican Red Knee tarantula, and using the images I take of her as references, very helpful. I do have one current example to offer, the coloring is NOT official, it is just a test.
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