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Old 03-13-2012, 01:02 PM
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Kesstryl Kesstryl is offline
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I was looking at coding and as far as loading a background, one could just use CSS and php, and apply the background to a div. I'm also looking at js ways to do this.

I think drag and dropping decorations into the background is better suited for html5 canvas with js as it has a coordinate system already. One would just need a way to store the coordinates into the db for the pets and items so it would load the way it was saved. I found lots of code snippets out there for bits and pieces of this, will do more research on the best way to put the js side together.

I wasn't originally talking about dressing up pets, more like having a nice background with maybe plants and background decorations, and a pet or a few pets on display in the layout, but I'm sure the technique can be applied to that too. I also wasn't implying that I was going to hire a coder with my art services, but get a coder to look at my own already written code and offer suggestions for improvement. There are coders for other adoptable sites who look for artists and can't pay with money, and I was suggesting that I might approach some who leave such posts and offer my art services in exchange for helping to troubleshoot my code. Hope this clarifies my previous posts.

Oh yeah, and advertising is a win win. Maybe some banners (varying sizes) that we could use in sigs on other sites we are members of.

*edit* I found a coder willing to exchange services :)

Last edited by Kesstryl; 03-13-2012 at 11:34 PM.
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