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Old 03-25-2012, 08:03 AM
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AlexC AlexC is offline
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Written Installation Tutorial

If written instructions are your thing, then you're in luck, because a redo of the original install tutorial has now been written. If you'd like, the original is here: Installing the MAS


STEP 1: Download the following programs/scripts: Latest Mysidia Adoptable Script, Latest MyBB Forum Script and FileZilla FTP Program.

STEP 2: Find a host, such as X10hosting or Gemstone Hosting. Sign up and log in once the account is ready.

STEP 3: Go to your control panel and find your section with MySQL Databases. Create one database, and one user - then, if needed, assign the user to the database and give it all permissions.

STEP 4: Go to filezilla and enter in your domain for host and your username and login for the rest - you may have to check your FTP section in your control panel for the login, but most of the time it is the details you have to login or the username you selected. Ignore the port option. Then click connect!

STEP 5: Drag the unzipped contents of the mysidia script into your public_html folder and wait for them to upload.

STEP 6: Once everything is uploaded, go to your FileManager and find your "config.php" file - it will be in the "inc" folder. Select the file and change the permissions to "777". Then go to the "picuploads" folder and do the same to the "gif", "png", "jpg" folders.

STEP 7: Now go to Walk through the install process. Enter in all of the details for the database you created - if you don't know your host, use "localhost", but be sure to check on your database page.

STEP 8: After you're finished, delete the "install" folder from the FileManager. Then go to the "inc" folder and change the permissions for the "config.php" file back to "644".

STEP 9: Go your site now and enjoy! You've installed the script!

BONUS STEPS: Installing the forum! (there will be a complete tutorial in the near future)

STEP 1: Make a directory or folder in your FileManager, name it forum or something along those lines.

STEP 2: Drag the unzipped script into your html_public > "forum" folder in FileZilla and let it upload.

STEP 3: Create a second database and use this to install the forum.

STEP 4: After installing the forum, log in and turn off user registration.

STEP 5: Then go into "inc" > "config_forum.php". Enter in all of the details for your new database. Tada, you should be done!

(I know that was bad - I suck at writing out tutorials - use the video tutorial instead!)

Last edited by AlexC; 03-25-2012 at 08:48 AM.
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