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Old 01-20-2009, 06:31 PM
aroymart aroymart is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
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Default RE: you lost me... >.<

thankyou so much for the help i'll post if i have more probs
p.s. sorrys for the spam

EDIT: now i did that and i uploaded all of the files... but now it comes as a server error or something see look thats were it is at

EDIT#2: ok i found it out but how do i edit the admin username/pass? also what is the automatic user/pass?

EDIT#3: ok i found out were to change it but it says access denied this is the code


// PHP Easy Adoptables Configuration File

$dbhost = 'localhost';      		//DB Hostname
$dbuser = '';				//DB User
$dbpass = '';				//DB Password
$dbname = '';    				//Your database name
$dname = '';    	//Your domain name (No http, www or . )
$spath = '';				//The folder you installed this script in, if subfolder use a slash, if root domain empty
$auser = 'aroymart';				//Admin Username for Host Admin CP
$apass = 'andrew';				//Password for Host Admin CP


go ahead and try it... i tried it at this part of my site

EDIT#LAST: i am so bad at this can someone just do this all for me and let me have the site????? i can't do any of this >.<
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