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Old 06-07-2012, 11:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Hall of Famer View Post
Well actually I am revising the user system including user registration now. The plan was to have Nobackseat review it after Mys v1.3.2 release, but nvm. He has some good point and it is clear that the user registration system does need an overhaul immediately. You will see this in next release, which I promise. The remaining superglobals are gone too in Mys v1.3.2, just incase you are wondering. In a few occasions I will use global keyword in functions or classes, but no more superglobals like $GLOBALS.

I do not quite agree with what he said about password encryption being messy, I personally see no problem in it. You may wonder why the password is md5'd at first, it was done to compensate old users trying to upgrade. The old encryption method is md5 without salting, and I can redesign a new function called updatepass() which accepts md5'd passwords and update them to new and secured version. If the encryption method is altered without using md5 initially, old Mys sites will have to force all of their members to reset passwords after upgrading. This is not what I wanted, not sure what you think. Also I dont understand what he means by 'Guys, are ya sure that's the final password...' though. Not secured enough? If so I will improve it.
Just wondering if there is a ETA for 1.3.2, been holding off on doing anything as I'd rather have the globals gone and a better registration system, and will probably blow everything away and reinstall. Was hoping to get my site into an Alpha state by July 1 which is the birthdate of a beloved family member who passed a few years ago. If not that's cool, I'd rather have a program that works than rush something because it's sentimental. Can always do a coming soon preview for July 1.