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Old 08-22-2012, 01:49 PM
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Default Coming Soon: The World of Pippa

Coming Soon: The World of Pippa
Expected Date for Closed Beta: Late September 2012

Petsite Element: Raise your pet through clicks, obtain items to care for and customize it.
RPG Element: Play through the story and choose either to join the dreaded Drogo Clan or defeat them.

Story Plot:
Long ago, the seven clans of Pippa lived in peace. Each clan, while maintaining their home cities, worked together to build the magnificent City of Odell. The power hungry Drogo Clan had different plans for Pippa and attacked the capital. They burnt everything to the ground, barely allowing the population to escape. The once beautiful city, now known as The Sleeping City, was left abandoned and in ruins, or so everyone thought.

A new, stronger city was built to the southwest of The Sleeping City. It was named The City of New Odell. The surviving citizens of the old capital have worked together to build it to match the glory of their former home. However, the new capital has been tightly secured to protect it's people from the dreaded Drogo Clan. If anyone is to feel truly safe in these strange times, someone must take on the task of finding and dealing with the Drogos before they put their plot into motion to take over all of Pippa. So, brave traveler. The choice is yours.

Save the World or Join the Darker Forces?

Game Play:
What makes Pippa unique from most other clickable pet sites is the mission system. As you complete missions, you progress through the story and earn access to new stores, items, and maps.

Site Progress:
All I have left to do before the site can be opened up to closed beta is the NPC pages and a lot of the artwork.

Art Examples:


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