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Old 08-28-2012, 04:56 PM
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Default How to: Install MyBB

Well, I know a lot of people want to know how to integrate MyBB to their forums and I recently discovered how to successfully get that to work. I'll be explaining that here. You need to already have Mysidia Adoptables adopts files installed on your site. Gloometh created an amazing video tutorial on how to install it!

* You need to be sure that you have set mybbenabled to 1 in config_forums.php before you do anything!

Installing it onto your File Manager
1) First you need to install the latest version of MyBB here.
2) Next, you need to make sure you have Filezilla downloaded, too. You can download it here. Then you will need winrar. Download it here.
3) Login to your control panel (I'll be using x10hosting as my example. I'm pretty sure whatever is your host is no different from x10) and find . Click it and continue to step 4.
4) Create a new database and call it mybbforum (so, yourusername_mybbforum) and just add your username you created to install the script with to the mybbforum one. Click "All Privileges"
5) You need to go to your File Manger and create a new folder called "forum" to put all of your mybb files into without it getting all mixed up with your Mys script files.
) Next, you need to unzip the mybb files. All you need to do is click "Extract Here" and then it'll open the unzipped files in another winrar window.
6) Open Filezilla. Type in your host's name (NO http:// or www) your username, and password. Leave the "Port" blank and hit "Quick Connect." Open public_html once Filezilla has connected.
7) Find the folder you created called "forum" and drag the "inc" folder into Filezilla and it'll begin uploading all of your mybb files. There's over 700 files so it will take a while.


Once you have uploaded all of your files, go to yourdomain/forum/insall/index.php - they're automatically already all writable so you won't have to CHOMD anything. You'll need to go back into MySQL database manager to grab your database's name (the mybbforum one) and the username. Don't change anything that's already set for you. Just fill in where it's blank. Go to your new forum's administration control panel, go to configuration and look for "User Registrations etc" and disable new user registrations it won't work unless you do that. Once everything is finished, you can visit your new MyBB forum at yourdomain/forum !

If you need screenshots, let me know and I'll gladly add them. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. :)

Last edited by Aasixx; 08-28-2012 at 04:59 PM.
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