Thread: php 5.2 error
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Old 12-04-2012, 11:04 AM
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Default php 5.2 error

i downloaded this script and it seems that it is not even close to compitable with php 5.2.x

as a suggestion i can update to php 5.3 , but i got my reasons why i do want to stay at php 5.2

to solve this issue i edited a few things in the script to see if i could make it work on php 5.2

but almost all code in the script is written for php 5.3 , a example is the getTimestamp();

because of those codes would i like to ask if you can make a version that is compitable with php 5.2 or that you can provide me a early version that is written for php 5.2

to give a other example
Fatal error: Declaration of BaseValidator::seterror() must be compatible with that of Validator::seterror() in classes/abstract/abstract_basevalidator.php on line 3
it is just 1 of the many errors i need to filter out to even show the homepage of the script (this part is taken when i try to login , the homepage is working partial now )

also as a suggestion i would suggest to hide links that are not avaible for non registered users

as you are working with sesions and with id's is it perfect possible to only show some links after a user is logged in , but that is just personal

a other error from the shoutbox
Fatal error: Can't inherit abstract function Container::display() (previously declared abstract in MessageContainer) in classes/abstract/abstract_messagecontainer.php on line 3
so if you got a version for php 5.2 then i realy like to have it

ps: is php 5.2 not compitable with php 5.3 ( php 5.3 is not compitable with 5.2 ) ?? so why a rewrite to a newer version when the old code still works ?

Thank you
Greetings From PowerChaos
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