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Old 02-13-2013, 08:11 PM
Infernette Infernette is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
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Infernette is on a distinguished road

Heh, the stuff I've asked for its only a little bit of my plan, honestly. I'm working on a site ruled by Pegasi-Unicorns, one is Mythras, (sun) and the other is Plutas, who got kicked out of the ring of pegi-unis after a war between the outer ring and inner. (gah I'm such a space lover XD) And you must complete a quest and obtain certain items and pets to earn their trust, and eventually I hope to add ranks into the groups by the amount of the dark or light elemental pets you have collected, eventually allowing the user to obtain the God/Goddess themed "ring" pegi-unis . There will probably be the moons Europa and Calliope too :p

There is 3 'sects' in the split up country, and one open, barren landscape only referred to as the wild plains. The forest is the main sect which is the only one I am currently working on at the moment, but once I finish that area of the site (special things like games and whatnot gah), there will be the frost and the flames that I have to work on, which each will have their own respective quests and whatnot like doing something for the High Lord of that sect that will reward people with special pets. The forest is an area full of mainly dragons, frogs, and bugs, the frost is full of more "furry" pets, and the flames is full of mostly birds and lizards. And did I mention toads? XD

It's going to take a long time and lots of work but I actually highly enjoy just working on the site and seeing what I make it do. :) Heh, mostly my friends and I will play on the site eventually anyways.

I know it seems quite ambitious, but even if it doesn't work *exactly* as I plan to, I will still have quite a bit of fun. :)
-And I honestly love the adoption systems with the eggs being set until clicked because it prevents cheating of someone just refreshing their page to get a rare whereas with this method they have to wait until it's actually made :p-
No, I have no idea what I'm doing. But it works. Barely.
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