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Old 04-04-2013, 01:01 PM
bobbybig bobbybig is offline
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will get back to you on pho on hosting ASAP. I know this is minor hiccup kind of thing.

Originally Posted by Hall of Famer View Post
It seems to me that your server does not have SPL library enabled, or that your server is not running PHP 5.3.x. The SplFileInfo class has a method getExtension which is inherited in Mysidia's file class, this method is only available on servers running PHP 5.3.6 or above.

If your server is running PHP version between 5.3.0 to 5.3.6, I can try to get it to work for you with some minor edits. However, if it is PHP 5.2.x you will have to upgrade your PHP or change hosting service.
Thank you after reviewing your comment and checking server settings I have changed the hosting php to 5.4 php and was able to get the code installed error free. I am thrilled to see this project moving to object orientation and smarty plug-in use I am excited to see what great things can be done with wanted areas of interest now. The sky is no where near the limits for this now :) keep up the great work.