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Old 11-29-2013, 12:57 PM
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IntoRain IntoRain is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Portugal
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IntoRain is on a distinguished road

Well, my website is a test one, but I keep on coding and writing up the story, maybe someday I will get a spriter willing to help xD

Right now, I don't have much time but when I stopped I was in the middle of finishing personal shops, group sorting and the job system. Personal shops was almost done, it was already working for creatures but I also wanted it for items. And the job system works but I wanted to add more features to it. which I still have to think about. Group sorting I had to stop because I noticed the separate pages was messing with it and it's something I have to correct when I find out how the page wraps works

I'm still deciding if I should wait for 1.4.0 to keep modding the script or if I should go on with this one
__________________ stole my soul.
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