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Old 01-26-2014, 10:08 PM
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Kyttias Kyttias is offline
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Default fresh install issues

Hi! Last year, I downloaded the script and gave it a test install and it worked great - but that was a different version. This version is giving me issues on a fresh install!

I have a brand new laptop, and I just downloaded a fresh install of WAMP (this release comes with PHP 5.4 with MySQL 5.6). Immediately I started having troubles. (But luckily nothing that will immediately prevent me from continuing on my way, I think.) I strongly believe all of this is caused because I have 5.4 and the temporary solution is to just turn off php error notices (everything seems to work, despite the notices).

Problem 1 - The index.php in the installer has the following notice at the top of the page:
PHP Code:
( ! ) NoticeUndefined indexstep in C:\wamp\www\Mysidia\install\index.php on line 5 
But I could proceed, anyway. Everything passed on the second page. Onto the third page-

Problem 2 - I had to set a password for myphpadmin root, no biggie, that's more secure than not having one, so I got that done. (It wouldn't let me run the install script without a password, anyway.) I attempted to run the install script now that I had a password...

Problem 3 - The install script went and timed out on me (warning sign number one) - so I went into my php.ini file and upped the script timeout from 30 seconds to 5 minutes, cleared the tables in the database it had managed to install, and tried again. Success! I got all the way to step six.

Problem 4 - Installation complete! But wait, there are four php notices at the top of the page:
PHP Code:
( ! ) NoticeUndefined indexrewardmoney in C:\wamp\www\Mysidia\install\sitesetting.php on line 29

( ! ) NoticeUndefined indexenabletrades in C:\wamp\www\Mysidia\install\sitesetting.php on line 30

( ! ) NoticeUndefined indextradecost in C:\wamp\www\Mysidia\install\sitesetting.php on line 31

( ! ) NoticeUndefined indextradeoffercost in C:\wamp\www\Mysidia\install\sitesetting.php on line 32 
Well, whatever, right? I clicked proceeded to click on 'View Your Website' and oh my goodness:

Problem 5 - The good news? The site does load... at the bottom of the page after several dozen notice errors. I get one of this:
PHP Code:
( ! ) NoticeUndefined variablecontroller in C:\wamp\www\Mysidia\classes\class_language.php on line 111 
And then about 54 of these, and they're all identical:
PHP Code:
( ! ) NoticeUndefined propertyDocumentRenderer::$thematicBreak in C:\wamp\www\Mysidia\classes\class_guirenderer.php on line 184 
I didn't bother including the callstack information that came with those specific notice, but I can if you like. Notice that they're just notices and not errors? That's a good thing, in that I can actually force PHP to not display notices on my server. (You can change the error_reporting setting in php.ini from error_reporting = E_ALL to error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE. And then it's important to restart the server so the changes can be activated.) However, these notices should be repaired before they become serious problems in future versions of PHP, right? (Currently, many web hosting providers may have these error notices turned off by default? But they also may not, leaving people unable to turn them off.)

PHP is one of those languages that's constantly upgrading and it's syntax gets a little outdated. Even best practices can become obsolete, given enough time. (e.g., Using an uninitialized variable and relying on the fact it's automatically initialized to an empty string.) As a developer, that sort of stuff makes you want to pull your hair out, I know.

(Oh!! I think it's worth mentioning that I also had the initial 500 Internal Server Error, but that was because mod_rewrite wasn't turned on by default in WAMP's Apache. I turned that on and restarted and everything seemed to have fixed itself.)

Anyway, moving along:

Problem 6 - On the Register page, this time I get an actual, non-notice error:
PHP Code:
( ! ) Strict standardsDeclaration of RadioList::add() should be compatible with GUIContainer::add(GUIComponent $component$index = -1in C:\wamp\www\Mysidia\classes\class_radiolist.php on line 68 
However, this seems irrelevant, as registration is successful anyway. It's noted that it says I am now logged in, but there is no ajax to automatically whisk away the login panel on the side (but this is obviously something you're probably working on fixing for the next major release, so its barely worth mentioning).

I'm not -sure- if I can turn Strict php error notices off, but I'll give it a shot. I look forward to your next major release but I'll have fun building off what's already provided. Thank you for your hard work!

Last edited by Kyttias; 01-27-2014 at 12:54 AM.